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BADFINGER DVD - A Riviting and Emotionally Gripping Saga Director's Cut BLU-RAY
Product Description

BADFINGER: A Riviting and Emotionally Gripping Saga Director's Cut BLU-RAY
Taken from the laser disc version from 1997 - this remastered HD cut
looks and sounds amazing!
"Perhaps no other group in rock history has a more tragic story than
Badfinger. Signed to Apple Records,
Badfinger went on to score a number of chart hits including "Come And
Get It", "No Matter What", "Day
After Day", "Baby Blue" and the mega-hit "Without You". Sadly, after
leaving Apple, managerial problems
which bordered on the sinister, torpedoed this enormously talented
band's career which led to the suicides
of two of it's members. For a long overdue look at one of rock's most
underrated groups, "Badfinger" is a
must-see." Approx 90 minutes.
1. Come And Get It
2. The Iveys / Carry On Till Tomorrow
3. Bill Collins
4. Apple
5. Maybe Tomorrow
6. Iveys To Badfinger
7. The Magic Christian
8. Come And Get It (live)
9. Ron Griffith's Leaving The Band
10. Joey Molland Joins The Band
11. Mal Evans and "No Dice" Album
12. No Matter What
13. "Without You" Story
14. Richard Lush
15. Farmhouse
16. Kathy Molland / I Don't Mind
17. Straight Up Album
18. Day After Day
19. Bangladesh
20. Baby Blue
21. Leaving Apple / Apple Of My Eye
22. The Deal / Money
23. Suitcase
24. Spiral Downward
25. The Suicide / The Name Of The Game
26. Epilogue / Credits / Take It All
27. A Deeper Look Into Pete Ham's Suicide
28. Tommy Evans
29. Hey Jude
30. Imagine
31. Richard Lush & Day After Day
32. Stranded In New York