Product Description

A fresh new remaster of the Rockband files plus outtakes from Abbey Road sessions - all remastered and sounding
better than ever before - from new sources! Get ready for an amazing listening journey! THESE SOUND FANTASTIC!!
This volume contains the Rockband mix of the album (just like the original, with fades etc) plus the unedited versions
of those songs! Outtakes include all the studio chat and jamming - tune ups from every source - plus unused guitar parts
for Come Together and Her Comes the Sun in place! Plus outtakes from Abbey Road N.W.8 that has been fixed and
remastered fixing the drop outs and volume issues, marked*
55 tracks 160 minutes
01 Come Together
02 Something
03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer
04 Oh! Darling
05 Octopus's Garden
06 I Want You (She's So Heavy)
07 Here Comes the Sun
08 Because
09 You Never Give Me Your Money
10 Sun King
11 Mean Mr Mustard
12 Polythene Pam
13 She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14 Golden Slumbers
15 Carry That Weight
16 The End
17 Her Majesty
18 Come Together (SI onto Take 9 - Unused Guitar TK6 and Single Vocal)
19 Something Take 36 Monitor Mix
20 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 5) Anthology
21 Octopus's Garden (Take 2 and 8) Anthology
22 A Huge Melody Part 1 (Mono Reduction)
23 A Huge Melody Part 2 (Mono Reduction)
24 Golden Slumbers (Take 1) Anth DVD
01 Come Together (Take 1) Anthology
02 Come Together (Unknown Takes - Take 4-5)
03 Come Together (Stereo Vocals - Unused Guitar Overdub)
04 Something (Unknown Takes 1-4 Mono)
05 Something (Take 37 with Jam Ending)
06 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 8 Partial Stereo)
07 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (RS13 Take 21 Mono)*
08 Oh! Darling (Unknown Takes Stereo and Mono)
09 Oh! Darling (Take 26 Mono)*
10 Octopus's Garden (Unknown Take)
11 Octopus's Garden (Take 32 - Bass Guitar Drums Guide Vocal and extra at end)
12 Octopus's Garden (Take 32 Mono)*
13 Here Comes The Sun (Take 1 Mono)
14 Here Comes The Sun (with Unused Guitar Solo)
15 Because (Unknown Take)
16 You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 30 with Jam Mono)*
17 You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 30 with Bass)
18 You Never Give Me Your Money (Unknown Take Mono)
19 You Never Give Me Your Money (Complete)
20 Sun King (Unknown Take Mono)
21 Sun King - Mean Mr Mustard (Complete End)
22 Polythene Pam - Bathroom Window (Takes 1-2, Unknown)
23 Polythene Pam - Bathroom Window (Backing)
24 Golden Slumbers (Unknown Take)
25 Golden Slumbers - Carry That Weight (Take 13 Mono)*
26 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Complete End)
27 The End (Take 7 Backing with Unused Guitar)
28 The End (Take 7 Mono Reduction) As It Happened, Baby
29 Her Majesty (Unknown Take - Complete)
30 Ain't She Sweet - Anthology
31 Come Together (SI onto Take 9 - Unused Guitar TK6)