Product Description

Onto Abbey Road - one of the greatest albums the Beatles ever created! This series will cover all the sessions,
with every outtake, studio talk and collect the mixes at the sessions from MOGG files! Along with some new
finds, every track will be pitch corrected, sound levelled and fixed suing no compression! This will delight
everyone's ears - everything is included as of early 2014 finds and research!
April 29 thru July 11 at Abbey Road! Octopus's Garden, Let It Be Solo, You Know My Name, Something,
You Never Give Me Your Money, Her Majesty, Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight, Here Comes The Sun and
Maxwells Silver Hammer! 150 minutes with 58 songs!
April 29:
01 Octopus's Garden (S1 Take 32 Piano added to Lead Track)
02 Octopus's Garden (S1 Take 32 with Lead and Piano)
03 Octopus's Garden (Unknown Takes Mono)
04 Octopus's Garden (S1 Take 32 with Vocals - Mono)
April 30:
05 Let It Be (S1 onto Take 27 Lead Guitar Solo) NEW MIX
06 You Know My Name (Vocals S1 onto Take 30)
07 You Know My Name (Take 30 Complete)
May 2:
08 Something (Unknown Takes 1-4 Mono)
09 Something Take 36 Jam Ending (Yellow Dog)
May 5:
10 Something (Take 36 Drums + Drum Overdubs TK2)
11 Something (Take 36 - Bass TK5)
12 Something (Take 36 - Rhythm Guitar TK6 + Piano TK1)
13 Something (Take 36+SI Guitars Piano Bass Drums)
14 Something (SI onto Take 36 - Lead Guitar TK1)
15 Something (Take 36+S1 Lead Guitar - Backing)
May 6
16 You Never Give Me Your Money (Unknown Take Mono)
17 You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 30 - Piano Drums Guitars)
July 1
18 You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 30 S1 Vocals added+Ending) NO3AR
July 2
19 Her Majesty (Unknown Take)
20 Her Majesty (Take 3 Stereo)
21 Her Majesty (Take 3 Guitar)
22 Her Majesty (Take 3 Vocal)
23 Her Majesty (Take 3 Mono)
24 Golden Slumbers (Take 1) Anth DVD
25 Golden Slumbers (Unknown Take)
26 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 13 - Piano TK3)
27 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 13 Bass TK2)
28 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 13 Drums+Drum Overdub 1 TK1and4)
29 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 13 Drums Bass Piano)
30 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 13 with Vocal - Mono)
July 3
01 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (SI onto Take 13 Guitars TK5)
02 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 17 - All Vocals TKS4-6)
03 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 17)
July 7
04 Here Comes The Sun (Take 1 Mono)
July 7-8
05 Here Comes The Sun (Take 13+SI Acoustics TK4 and 5 +Leslie Guitar TK3)
06 Here Comes The Sun (Take 13 - Bass TK1)
07 Here Comes The Sun (Take 13+SI Drums TK2 +Drum Overdub TK3)
08 Here Comes The Sun (Take 13 with S1 Instrument Overdubs)
09 Here Comes The Sun (Vocals 1) Mogg - Love
10 Here Comes The Sun (Take 13 with Vocals 1)
11 Here Comes The Sun (SI onto Takes 13+15 Backing Vocals)
12 Here Comes The Sun (SI onto Takes 13+15 - All Vocals TKS 6 7 8 Stereo)
13 Here Comes The Sun (SI onto Takes 13+15 Complete)
July 9
14 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 5) Anthology
15 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 8 Partial Stereo)
16 Maxwells Silver Hammer (Take 21 - Piano TK3)
17 Maxwells Silver Hammer (Take 21 - Bass TK1)
18 Maxwells Silver Hammer (Take 21 - Drums TK2)
19 Maxwells Silver Hammer (Take 21 Complete)
July 10
20 Maxwells Silver Hammer (RS Take 21 - Vocals)
21 Maxwells Silver Hammer (SI onto Take 21 Acoustic Hammond Anvil Vocals TK7)
22 Maxwells Silver Hammer (SI onto Take 21 Piano)
23 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (RM13 from Take 21 with Guitar) No3 AR+
July 11
24 Maxwells Silver Hammer (RS Take 21 - More Lead Guitar TK4 and 5)
25 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Extra Silver Hammer Man Vocal Overdub)
26 Maxwells Silver Hammer (RS13 from Take 21 with Overdubs)
27 Something Take 36 Monitor Mix
28 Something (Take 37 Mono Mix) No3 AR