Product Description

Onto Abbey Road - one of the greatest albums the Beatles ever created! This series will cover all the sessions,
with every outtake, studio talk and collect the mixes at the sessions from MOGG files! Along with some new
finds, every track will be pitch corrected, sound levelled and fixed suing no compression! This will delight
everyone's ears - everything is included as of early 2014 finds and research!
August 2 thru August 18 at Abbey Road! Come and Get It with Badfinger, Sun King-Mean Mr Mustard, Because,
The End, Here Comes The Sun, Maxwells Silver Hammer, I Want You, Oh! Darling, You Never Give Me Your Money,
Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight, Something, John interview with Kenny Everett at Abbey Road, Que Sera Sera
& The Fields Of St Etienne with Paul and Ringo with Mary Hopkin!
155 minutes with 65 songs!
August 2
Come and Get It - Badfinger Session - Get Your Knickers Off
01 Come and Get It (Take 5 - Paul Vocals)
02 Come and Get It (Take 6 - Paul Vocals)
03-19 Come and Get it Rehearsal Takes 7-23 (No Vocals)
20 Come and Get It (Take 24 Ron Vocals)
21 Come and Get It (Takes 24-27)
22 Come and Get It (Take 28)
23 Come And Get It (Badfinger)
August 5
You Never Give Me Your Money Into Sun King
The effects included birds twittering, crickets chirping and bells ringing - mixed later
24 Sun King-Mean Mr Mustard (SI onto Take 35 - SFX Loops Stereo)
25 Because (SI onto Take 16 - Moog Solos TK7-8 Stereo)
26 Because (SI onto Take 16 Backing)
27 Because (Barrett Mix S1 onto Take 16)
28 Because (Take 16 Complete)
29 The End (SI onto Take 7 Vocals 1)
Aug 6
30 Here Comes The Sun (S1 onto Take 15 Unused Guitar Solo)
31 Maxwells Silver Hammer (SI onto Take 27 - Moog 1-2-3 Stereo)
32 Maxwells Silver Hammer (Take 21 with S1 Backing)
August 7
33 Come Together (S1 onto Take 9 Mixed)
34 The End (Take 7 Backing)
35 The End (Take 7 S1 All Vocals)
36 The End (Take 7 Complete No Lead)
37 The End (Take 7 S1 Lead Guitars)
38 The End (Take 7 Complete Lead Guitars with Unused)
39 The End (Take 7 Vocals Lead Guitars with Unused)
40 The End (Alternate Mix) Anthology CD
August 8
01 I Want You (Takes 9,20,32 Drum - Moog Overdub)
02 I Want You (Takes 9,20,32 Full Backing)
August 11
03 I Want You (SI onto Edit of Takes 9,20,32 - Backing Vocals)
04 I Want You (Lead and Backing Vocals)
05 I Want You (S1Takes 9,20,32 Mixed No Moog)
06 Oh! Darling (SI onto Take 26 - Backing Vocals added to Vocals TK6+7+8 Stereo)
August 12
07 Oh! Darling (Take 26 Mixed)
08 Because (Take 16 Mixed)
August 13
09 You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 30 Mixed)
August 14
10 Maxwells Silver Hammer (SI onto Take 21 - All Vocals Stereo)
11 Maxwells Silver Hammer (RS34 Mixed with Intro)
12 John interview with Kenny Everett - Everett Is Here BBC 1
During Mixing Session for Mean Mr Mustard Crossfades (unused)
August 15
13 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (Take 17 - Orchestral Overdubs TK8)
14 The End (SI onto Take 7 - Orchestra TK3)
15 Something (SI onto Take 39 - Orchestra TKS3-4 Organ TK8 Stereo)
16 Here Comes The Sun (SI onto Take 15 - Strings+Harmonium+Claps 1 TK5 and 7)
17 Something Take 39 Monitor Mix
August 17
18 Que Sera Sera - Mary Hopkin
19 The Fields Of St Etienne - Mary Hopkin
Paul on acoustic guitar, bass and lead and Ringo Starr on drums.
August 18
20 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (RS Take 17 Backing)
21 Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (RS Take 17 Complete)
22 The End (SI onto Take 7 - Added Piano at the end)
23 The End (Take 7 Mono Reduction) As It Happened, Baby
24 The End (Take 7 Ending Backing with Orchestra)
25 The End (Take 7 Ending with Orchestra Mixed)