Product Description

Alternate mixes from Abbey Road - one of the greatest albums the Beatles ever created! This series will cover all the sessions, with every outtake, studio talk and collect the mixes at the sessions from MOGG files! Along with some new finds, every track will be pitch corrected, sound levelled and fixed suing no compression! This will delight everyone's ears - everything is included as of early 2014 finds and research! This is the last of the set - alternate mixes, remixes and more from around the world!
57 songs at 155 minutes!
DISC 13:
01 The Ballad of John and Yoko ( Australian Mono Mix)
02 New Zealand Censored Mix
03 Hit Scene Aussie Censored Mix
04 Video Censored Mix 2
05 1969 Mix - Hey Jude LP
06 1993 Mix - Blue Album CD
07 1996 Anthology
08 2000 1 CD Mix
09 2000 Promo Mix
10 2003 Anthology DVD
11 2003 Anthology DVD Front Speakers
12 2003 Anthology DVD Back Speakers
13 2003 Anthology DVD Center Speaker
14 Old Brown Shoe (1969 Mix)
15 Old Brown Shoe (1993 Mix)
16 Come Together (1993 Mix)
17 Come Together (2000 1 Mix)
18 Something 1993 Mix
19 1996 Anthology
20 2000 1 Mix
21 2000 Video Mix reverb
22 2003 Anthology DVD
23 2003 Anthology DVD Front Speakers
24 2003 Anthology DVD Center Speaker
25 2003 Anthology DVD Back Speakers
26 2011 LITMW Mix
27 Octopus's Garden (1993 Mix)
DISC 14:
01 Here Comes The Sun Mix Session with Unused Guitar Solo
02 Here Comes the Sun (1993 Mix)
03 Here Comes The Sun (2011 LITMW Mix)
04 Come and Get It (Boardroom) Mono
05 Come and Get It (1234 Mix) Fake Stereo
06 Come And Get It (Anthology 3) Stereo
07 Come and Get It (Mythology) Stereo
08 Because (Take 16 - John Vocals+Backing)
09 Because (Take 16 - Paul Vocals+Backing)
10 Because (Take 16 - George Vocals+Backing)
11 Sun King-Mean Mr Mustard (BRX - Stereo Vocals with various overdubs)
12 Abbey Road Medley (1996 Anthology)
13 Abbey Road Medley 2003 Anthology DVD
14 Abbey Road Medley (Front Speakers)
15 Abbey Road Medley (Center Speaker)
16 Abbey Road Medley (Back Speakers)
17 The End (1996 Anthology)
18 The End (2003 Anthology DVD)
19 The End (Front Speakers)
20 The End (Center Speaker)
21 The End (Back Speakers)
22 Abbey Road Medley 1 (2009 Rockband) 2014 Remaster
23 Abbey Road Medley 2 (2009 Rockband) 2014 Remaster
2006 Love Remixes
24 Because (2006 Love)
25 Sun King Gnik Nus (2006 Love)
26 Something (2006 Love)
27 Octopus's Garden (2006 Love)
28 I Want You (2006 Love)
29 Here Comes the Sun (2006 Love)
30 Come Together (2006 Love)