Product Description

50th Anniversary! The series continues with 1968, with many new finds and upgrades! 50 minutes of NEW footage added on this upgrade! This volume
consists of May thru June, 1968 footage! Apple press conference (nearly complete), Tonight show (with NEW CLEAR audio better dubbed!), interviews,
promotions, Apple promo films (2 versions), George and Wonderwall, John & Yoko in Kenwood and more! 51 min Smile film at regular speed - clocks in at 3:20!
Plus Two Virgins film of John & Yoko - best version ever - and watchable! All footage has been remastered and color corrected (including the b/w footage) and
audio corrected too! Plus video "wobble" on the bottom of the footage - has been removed - Looks and sounds FAB! 44 Chapters Approx 140 minutes.
01 May 11: Off to New York Introduction
02 May 13: Larry Kane Interview - St. Regis Hotel, NYC
03 Larry Kane Interview - St. Regis Hotel, NYC - Two Way Comparison
04 Larry Kane Interview alternates & outtakes - St. Regis Hotel, NYC
05 May 14: Press Conference - Americana Hotel, NYC, NY - ABC Raw News Footage
06 Press Conference - Unknown/ Color Footage
07 Press Conference - Two Way Comparison
08 The Tonight Show with Joe Garagiola - NBC Studios, NYC, NY aired on the 15th
09 May 16: John & Paul at London Airport, Heathrow - BBC News
10 May 17: Wonderwall premiere at Cannes - Trailer
11 Wonderwall - original movie introduction
12 May 23: Paul, Ringo, George Martin with Derek Taylor & George's Mum Louise - EMI Studios - All My Loving Documentary
13 All My Loving - Letterbox 16.9 version - different edits at the end
14 June 6: John & Victor Spinetti Interview for In His Own Write play - EMI Studio 3 BBC2 TV - Release aired on June 22
June 9: John and Yoko - Kenwood, Weybridge
01 William Wareing 8mm Film #1 Color
02 William Wareing 8mm Film #2 Black & White/ Color
03 Smile Film No.5 - 51 Minutes in 3:20 regular speed
04 Two Virgins (19:49)
05 June 10-11: George with Ravi Shankar - Big Sur, CA - Raga
06 June 11: Helter Skelter & Blackbird filmed for Apple Promo Film - EMI Studio 2, London
07 June: Apple Promo Films Produced by Tony Bramwell Filmed at EMI Studio 2, Apple Corps and Paul's backyard
08 Apple Promo Films - Upgrade with watermark
09 June 18: George, Pattie, Ringo & Maureen return from the USA - London Airport, Heathrow - ITN News
10 June 18: Old Vic Theatre London In His Own Write premiere - BBC News
11 June 21-24: Paul with Linda - Bevery Hills Hotel, Beach & Yacht - Los Angeles, CA - 8mm Film