Product Description

55TH Year Anniversary edition! The complete series 1965-67 -39 episodes
- now with chapters for each song,
cleaned up and with "and now a word from our sponsor" in every episode
plus original intros, outros from each season :
Can't Buy Me Love! Most episodes even have trailers for the following
weeks episodes!
This is nearly the most complete set you will find taken from the BEST
sources! Now in better quality and 15000 bit rate from my
master VHS originals! SOME COMPANIES ISSUED THESE OVER 2-3 DVDS and the
quality is compressed and poor NOT HERE!
Bottom video wobble fixed, aspect ratio corrected, color corrected so
they look amazing! But the best part - the audio has been
remastered using Capitol mono versions (like the originals) including
all the strange edits and sound effects in place! get ready to
watch these again and again - you and your kids or grandkids will LOVE
these!!!! a labour of love on my part and now all you can enjoy!
This is season 1 - episodes 21-26! 42 Chapters. Approx 160 minutes.
Check the sample - however it looks and sounds much better on a 1080 TV!!
01 Episode 21 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
02 What You're Doing
03 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Sing-a-long
04 All My Loving- Sing-a-long
05 Money
06 Ending - A Hard Day's Night
07 Episode 22 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
08 Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand
09 Bad Boy - Sing-a-long
10 Tell Me Why - Sing-a-long
11 She Loves You
12 Ending - A Hard Day's Night
13 Episode 23 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
14 Bad Boy
15 Please Please Me - Sing-a-long
16 Hold Me Tight - Sing-a-long
17 Tell Me Why
18 Ending - A Hard Day's Night
19 Episode 24 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
20 I Feel Fine
21 What You're Doing - Sing-a-long
22 There's A Place - Sing-a-long
23 Hold Me Tight
24 Ending - A Hard Day's Night
25 Episode 25 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
26 Please Please Me
27 Roll Over Beethoven - Sing-a-long
28 Rock And Roll Music - Sing-a-long
29 There's A Place
30 Ending - A Hard Day's Night
31 Episode 26 Introduction - Can't Buy Me Love
32 Roll Over Beethoven
33 I Feel Fine - Sing-a-long
34 She Loves You - Sing-a-long
35 Rock And Roll Music
36 Ending - A Hard Day's Night