Product Description

THE BEATLES: ABBEY ROAD Japanese Stereo LP Pro-Use Series CD
Many say this is the best sounding version - or is it the Uk first pressing? Or the Black Trinagle Japan
CD? UK is warmer and dynamic, Black Triangle same source as Pro-Use, but with hiss. Here it is clear and you can
hear everything - a totally different experience. This isn't Dr Ebbetts, but better! These transfers were done direct -
no remastering of the sound - so you get what was actually mastered on vinyl, thus you can adjust to your sound
preference! 17 tracks.
ABBEY ROAD Pro-Use Series
Apple Records EALF-97001
Released 1978 in Japan
01 Come Together
02 Something
03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer
04 Oh! Darling
05 Octopus's Garden
06 I Want You (She's So Heavy)
07 Here Comes the Sun
08 Because
09 You Never Give Me Your Money
10 Sun King
11 Mean Mr Mustard
12 Polythene Pam
13 She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14 Golden Slumbers
15 Carry That Weight
16 The End
17 Her Majesty