Product Description

Studio Session Collection 1964-1968. Digitally Remastered
Currently, there is a popular series called “BIRDS SING OUT OF TUNE” of M Claudel · label. The concept is to record the first appearance or rare studio outtake. Of course, the SECRET GARDEN label has titles covering outtakes etc. on a per-album basis, but a new excavation is being done one after another in the collector world. It is a title complementing the conventional outtake title while newly recording them. There were manians who said that they could not die until they listened to all the sound sources of the Beatles existing in the world, but even though they died from the surroundings, they were told by a joke that a new sound source will come out every year . This work is Volume 3 of that “BIRDS SING OUT OF TUNE”. Mania who includes the first appearance sound source this time is also indispensable thing.
“I’ll Follow The Sun” is a demonstration sound source recorded in 1964. It is known that the skeleton was already completed before debut this song, but this demo sound source is rather similar to the version of July 1960 rather than the release version. “And I Love Her” is a backing truck. Although it is only karaoke, for the time being, it will be the first appearance this time. “It’s For You” is also a demonstration sound source recorded in 1964. It is a beautiful song filled with pole likeness while short recording. In addition to another mix “Rock And Roll Music”, the back piano is played differently from the released version. “I ‘m A Loser” records the appearance of take-dubbing on take 8.
Then, “Eight Days A Week ‘s songs from 6 songs. In the performance of Paul in 2013, it is a song that decorated the opening. You can see how trial and error the intro is for only songs with complex chorus. Unusual attempts have been made that the release version starts with fade-in, but at the beginning it turns out that it was scheduled to start with a chorus. Take 2, take 4, take 5, although the sound source itself is not first appearance, before and after recorded longer than the ones that have already been released. The truck 11 is the released take 13, but it is not a fade-in but a one-sided one.
“We Can Work It Out” is the one before overdue dubbing was done, and although the part of “life is very short · · ·” enters the chorus of John, the main impression is an individual vocal by Paul’s single track Is different from slogans. It is an atmosphere that hugs love at all with refreshing songs, but it suddenly gets sorrowful when it comes to rust that John’s chorus enters. “Girl” is also the first appearance on the backing track as well as “And I Love Her” previously recorded. “Paperback Writer” is another mix sound source. “Rain” is a vocal being a single track, John ‘s singing voice is a sealed and singing approaching so close. In particular, the part of “LE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~” was composed of multi-layered chorus release versions, whereas here it is a sense of being listening to single track and outtake.
Take 1 of “I’m Only Sleeping” singing full of energy, contrary to the name of the song, is familiar, but it is the first appearance that endings are recorded for a long time. Following take 2, track 18 is the first appearing backing track. Continue “And Your Bird Can Sing” and “Got To Get You Into My Life” “Penny Lane “is also the first appearance of the backing track. The rehearsal sound source of “For No One” is an inline recording, which is short but an upgrade sound source. Another track “Penny Lane” is another mix, with vocals on the front. “Tomorrow Never Knows” is the first appearance of the monitor mix.
“SGT PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND” is unusual but unusual, and you can hear another vocal from Paul that is full of power from the sound out. “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” was first interrupted by John laughing out, John seems to be in a bad mood with coughing. Also recorded is Paul ‘s singing voice to John. “She’s Leaving Home” is the first appearance sound source. It seems to be a rehearsal of the orchestra, and in the ending, Paul is following a melody with a scat. “A Day In The Life” is a different mix with a different piano. Two songs “It’s All Too Much” and “Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey” first appeared, this is also the backing track.
As mentioned above, it is Volume 3 of “BIRDS SING OUT OF TUNE” which recorded rare studio outtakes including the first appearance sound source. It is certain that there is a cool sound source inside, but I think that those who are listening to volumes 1 and 2 can understand the degree of rhea. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed board.
01. I’ll Follow The Sun (demo 1964)
02. And I Love Her (backing track alternate mix)
03. It’s For You (demo take#1 1964 snippet)
04. Rock And Roll Music (alternate mix, different piano)
05. I’m A Loser (overdub on take 8)
06. take 1 partial practice
07. take 2 partial
08. take 3 partial
09. take 4 breakdown
10. take 5
11. master take 13 no fade-in with original end
12. We Can Work It Out (without overdub)
13. Girl (backing track alternate mix)
14. Paperback Writer (alternate mix)
15. Rain (single vocal track)
16. I’m Only Sleeping (take 1)
17. I’m Only Sleeping (take 2)
18. I’m Only Sleeping (unknown backing track alt. mix)
19. And Your Bird Can Sing (backing track alternate mix)
20. For No One (rehearsal)
21. Got To Get You Into My Life (backing track alternate mix)
22. Tomorrow Never Knows (monitor mix)
23. Penny Lane (backing track alternate mix)
24. Penny Lane (alternate mix)
25. SGT. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (unknown take)
26. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (take 2 breakdown + unknown)
27. She’s Leaving Home (atlternate mix)
28. A Day In The Life (alternate mix missing piano note)
29. It’s All Too Much (backing track alt. mix fragment)
30. Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Exept Me And My Monkey (backing track alternate version)
Misterclaudel. MCCD-605