Beatles Cd - The Peter Sellers Tape

 Beatles Cd  - The Peter Sellers Tape
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 Beatles Cd  - The Peter Sellers Tape
1. Back In The U.S.S.R. (Lennon/McCartney) 2:46


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM1 Take 6 23 Aug 1968 SS.WHI.01.06.RM1 The Beatles Only one mono mix exists. This is the version that was released on the mono version of "The Beatles" (white album). That version was also given by Ringo to british actor Peter Sellers.

22/23 August 1968, EMI Take 6. Unique mono remix. Essentially identical to the released version, except that the jet noises at the very end are different. 2. Rocky Raccoon (Lennon/McCartney) 3:46 Take 10 RM1 15 Aug 1968

The Beatles 15 August 1968, EMI Take 10, mono remix 1. Identical to the commercial version. There is a very brief bit at the start where John and Paul sing about half a dozen words of an unknown song. 3. Wild Honey Pie (Lennon/McCartney) 2:06 Take 1 RM6 20 Aug 1968

The Beatles 20 August 1968, EMI Take 1, mono remix 6. Identical to the commercial version, but without one second of studio chat at the beginning and the end. 4. Mother Nature's Son (Lennon/McCartney) 2:46 Take 26 RM8 20 Aug 1968

The Beatles 9/20 August 1968, EMI Take 26 mono remix 8. Identical to commercial version. 5. Sexy Sadie (Lennon/McCartney) 3:52 Take 117 RM5 21 Aug 1968

The Beatles 13/21 August 1968, EMI Take 117. Identical to the commercial version up to the fade, which is almost 40 seconds longer. The missing material was edited out, but when? The commercial version is mono remix 5, this is either the original remix 5, or an earlier mix. 6. Don't Pass Me By (Starkey) 4:09 Take 7 With Edit Piece 4 RM Unknown 12 Jul 1968

The Beatles 5/6/12/22 July 1968, EMI TAke 7, with edit piece. Although the mix is very much the same, this version contains an extra verse on the commercial version, after Ringo's count from 1 to 8, we get a chorus and a fade. Here, we get another verse (same lyrics as verse 1), chorus and fade. 7. Yer Blues (Lennon/McCartney) 5:51 Take 16 & 17 With Edit Piece 1 RM3 14 Aug 1968

The Beatles This track opens with chat, applause, effects and African music from Ringo.

The rest is Yer Blues, 13/20 August 1968, EMI edit of edit piece and Takes 16/17. The first part of the song is from Take 17, the last from Take 16 (itself a reduction of Take 6). Ringo's count -in eas recorded on August 20 and edited on. 8. Good Night (Lennon/McCartney) 3:03 Take 34 RM6 22 Jul 1968

The Beatles 22 July 1968, EMI Take 34. There are two obvious differences between this and the commercial version. The first is that it is slightly shorter (about 2 measures have been removed after the second verse, just before Ringo begins to hum). Secondly, there are children's voices at the end where he wishes everybody "goodnight". Because the orchestration is so incredibly lush, it is impossible to detect any significant difference between the two. The song was mono mixed for the album on 11 October, but there was also six mono mixes at the end of the 23 July sessions, and this is most likely remix 6 from that session. 9. Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (Lennon/McCartney) 2:25 Take 12 RM1 23 Jul 1968

The Beatles 27 June/1 & 23 Jul, 1968, EMI Take 12. Identical to the commercial version except for very slight differences in backing vocals which are attributable to mixing. The commercial version would have been mono remix 5, so this may be an earlier version.

10. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney) 3:13 Take 23 RM21 15 Jul 1968

The Beatles 8/9/11/15 July 1968, EMI Take 23. There are a few interesting differences between this and and the commercial version. The tape begins with a few seconds of chat and riffs, there are hand claps during the intro (the mono commercial version does not have them, although the stereo commercial version does), and at the very end, after John says "thank you", he adds, "I'm sure". There was a final mono mix for the album version on 12 October, so this is probably the last remix from 15 July, mono remix 21. 11. Blackbird (Lennon/McCartney) 2:21 Take 32 RM6 11 Jun 1968

The Beatles 11 June 1968, EMI Take 32. There are a few differences between this and the commercial version. The most obvious is the lack of bird noises. Aside from that, there are a few extra notes of the acoustic guitar intro and a slight echo on Paul's voice (also the little voice that says "play" at the very beginning is missing). The commercial version was remix 6. This is probably an earlier mix. 12. Not Guilty (Harrison) 4:08 Take 102 RM1 12 Aug 1968

The Beatles 8/9/12 August 1968, EMI Take 102, with count in. This brings us to a total of four different mixes of Take 102. The first and presumably earliest, is the mono mix. 13. Peter Sellers Talks With The Beatles (unknown) 1:51 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles