Beatles Dvd - Telecasts 2015 Vol 1

Beatles Dvd - Telecasts 2015 Vol 1
Item# newitem350259691
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Product Description

Beatles Dvd - Telecasts 2015 Vol 1

January thru March, 2015 news, specials and interviews on John, Paul, George and Ringo - band and solo and more!

Includes the latest on the FABS! Love, Austria, 51st anniversaries and Love B-Day wishes from Paul and Ringo!

News on LOVE, John 1980 photos, Beatle phpotos found, new books, George B-Day tributes - with rare footage, tree

planting, Grammy award and parties, John's teenage home, 1965 Rome color film, 1966-68 rare footage found, Shea

1966 with true audio, Pattie Boyd, Freda Kelly, John on Jerry Lewis Telethon color footage and more!

100 minutes 44 chapters in excellent quality! 16.9 ratio! GREAT DVD and a fun watch!!!


01 Jan 28: 50 Aniversario Beatles en Spain Ad

02 John's home as teenager in Liverpool Liverpool Echo

03 Jan 30: All You Need is Love Ecuador Super Bowl Ad

04 Beatles legacy celebrated in Come Together - Liverpool Echo

05 Eight Arms To Hold You Book - Pledge Music

06 Jan 31: 80th Birthday wishes from Paul and Ringo for LOVE by Cirque du Soleil 's very own

07 Feb 2: British Invasion Comes To Tulsa - KTUL

08 Feb 3: British Invasion Comes To Tulsa - KOTV

09 LOVE At The Mirage - CBS Las Vegas

10 Feb 4: The Beatles Story 25th Anniversary Competition

11 Feb 5: New Beatles Photos Found - Tele9

12 Rare Beatles Photos on sale on eBay - Net News

13 Beatles museum in Egerben - Eger TV

14 Feb 6: Kishin Shinoyama photos of John 1980 - NY Times

15 John's Mother Julia's Home for Auction - ITV News

16 Feb 7: George's family attends Grammy Legacy Concert in LA - News

17 Grammy Special Merit Awards Ceremony for George

18 Feb 8: George and Lifetime Achievemnet Award - 57th Grammy Awards

19 Die Beatles in Obertauern 50 Years Ago

20 Vinyl Refuses To Stop Spinning - CBS Chicago

21 Feb 9: The Live 1964 US Broadcasts Promo

22 Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show - WYFF

23 New Book on John Lennon - MSNBC

24 Feb 10: A Day In The Life - Promo Video

25 New Beatles Photos For Sale - Telefe Noticias

26 Feb 13: George Martin Help! notes on show Liverpool Echo

27 Feb 17: Jeff Lynne on George & Ringo

28 Feb 19: Sigourney Weaver remembers Hollywood Bowl 1964 - Jimmy Fallon

29 Feb 22: Pattie Boyd Photos of George and Beatles Exhibit - NTD News

30 Feb 25: George Harrison is born - ITN News

31 Happy Birthday George - Congratulations 2000 - GH Site

32 George Harrison Memorial Tree Replanting

33 George Harrison Tree Replanting Ceremony

34 George Harrison Tree Replanting Ceremony - ABC

35 Yellow Submarine Art by Alex Ross

36 Mom & Dad and The Beatles in Rome - Color 8mm

37 Feb 27: Beatles week 50th in Obertauern Austria Ad

38 George Photos by Pattie Boyd Exhibit - Euronews

39 March 2: Drake Ties Coveted Beatles Record - Wochit

40 March 3: The Sixties with The Beatles - German TV Ad


41 Aug 23, 1966: Shea Stadium NYC NY True Audio - CBS Raw Footage

42 March 10: Unseen Beatles Outtakes 1967-68

43 Sept 4, 1972 Jerry Lewis Telethon - Hotel Americana NYC NY

44 July 3, 2014: Beatles Expert Superfan DaveMorrell - Fox LA