Beatles Dvd - Telecasts Vol 7

Beatles Dvd - Telecasts Vol 7
Item# bedvdtevol7
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Product Description

Beatles Dvd - Telecasts Vol 7
THE BEATLES TELECASTS 2009 VOL.7 DVD More news reports, interviews, features from and more on the remasters and rock band game from September! PLUS this is formatted for WIDE SCREEN TVS - will play fine on regular size, however if you have widescreen - it will look FAB! 1. September 9: Beatles RockBand and Remasters - ITN News 2. MSN News Report 3. APFB News Report 4. VOA News Report 5. Rock Band - CBS News This Morning 6. ABC News Report 7. ABC News Chicago Report 8. AP News Report 9. Bloomberg News Report 10. Breakfast with the Beatles at Ameoba Records 11. Breakfast with the Beatles at Ameoba Records - LA News 12. Fox News Report 13. Sky News Report 14. September 11: Beatles Gear writer Interview - NY News 15. September 12: ET Report - NME News 16. September 16: Beatles Top Charts - Artisan News 17. September 16: Beatles Remasters Ad #2 18. Rock Band - chapters videos for each era! 19. Rock Band - Cinematic Outro - The End 20. June 11: Yoko at Mojo Awards 21. September 8: Best Buy Remasters and Rock Band Ad 22. September 22: Birthday September 23: Revolution September 25: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band September 30: Dear Prudence 23. September 30: Geoff Emerick Interview - Blender Magazine 24. Yoko & Sean Lennon Interview/ song - The View