Product Description

Item Description
WITH HIGH RES ARTWORK - NOT copies of a copy!
PRO Interactive Menus
You found the best right here!
AND THESE ARE THE ORIGINAL FAB DVDS - not knock offs or poor copies
The most comprehensive collection from their visit to Essen to Hamburg, their last stops on their 1966 tour of Germany! Every
newsreel, news report and concert clip included including the press conference now synchedl! The b/w police film, raw footage,
concert footage synched and so much more and all in excellent quality - this shines and at 95 minutes....that says it all! 26 chapters!
01. June 25, 1966: Gruga-Halle, Essen - News Report - WDR TV News
02. The Concert - Raw News Footage
03. The Concert - News Report made from the raw footage
04. Rock and Roll Music - True audio
05. June 26, 1966: Police at Schloss Hotel, Tremsbüttel/ Arrival at Ahrensburg Train Station, Hamburg, Germany
Raw Footage German TV - several sources
06. Arrival at Ahrensburg Train Station, Hamburg, Germany to Schloss Hotel, Tremsbüttel
The German Police Film - The Beatles am 26. Juni 1966 in der Ernst Merck Halle
07. Schloss Hotel, Tremsbüttel - Arrival, balcony appearance and off to concerts
Raw Footage German TV - several sources
08. Police organize and fans arrive for concert - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg -
The Beatles am 26. Juni 1966 in der Ernst Merck Halle
09. The Beatles arrive at Ernst Merck Halle - German Raw Footage - several sources
Arrival, The Rattles on stage, The Beatles enter the stage
10. The Concert - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - with synched audio
She's a Woman
If I Needed Someone
Day Tripper
Baby's in Black
I Feel Fine
Nowhere Man
Paperback Writer
I'm Down
11. Yesterday - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - Color Home Movie
12. The Concert - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - Raw Footage from Damals in Hamburg
13. Afternoon Concert - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - Raw News Footage
14. Afternoon Concert Report - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - German News #1
15. Afternoon Concert Report - Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - German News #2
16. Concert Report - Bilder Haus Hamburg News
17. Concert/ Fans riot afterwards - The Beatles am 26. Juni 1966 in der Ernst Merck Halle
18. After 2nd concert fans riot/ Police act on this - Associated Press
19. Press conference- Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, Germany - Raw News Footage - from several sources
20. Press conference - Alternate Angle with Multi-Angle Video - Raw News Footage - from several sources
21. Fans riot after evening concert at Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg -
The Beatles am 26. Juni 1966 in der Ernst Merck Halle 34 min special
22. John George Paul Ringo Newsreel/ British Pathe - aired July 3rd
23. German Aktuelle Takte newsreel entitled Die Beatles in Germany
24. Dutch Polygoons Wereldnieuws newsreel (Hamburgers voor de Beatles)
25. June 27, 1966: Schloss Hotel, Tremsbüttel to Flughafen Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel Airport, Hamburg
The Beatles am 26. Juni 1966 in der Ernst Merck Halle 34 min special
26.George Thanks You - Bravo Magazine Flexi