Beatles (2 Cds) - Mixology One

Beatles (2 Cds) - Mixology One
Item# bemione2cdse
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Beatles (2 Cds) - Mixology One

1. All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney) 2:07



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RSx(14) 30 Jul 1963 SS.WTB.03.14.RSx The Beatles Stereo remix for the CD release of "1962-1966".

2. All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney) 2:09


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Stereo Alternate German Mix 30 Jul 1963 SS.WTB.03.14.Ger The Beatles This mix (available in mono & stereo) features a 5-tap hi-hat intro and an intake of breath. Watch out for the FAKE alternate german mix !

It was issued in Germany and Holland.

Stereo: + Odeon STO 83 568 With the Beatles 1963 (Germany) + Odeon SMO 83 991 (later 1C 062-04 207) (Germany) + Beatles Greatest 1965 (Germany) + Odeon OMHS 3001 Beatles Greatest 1967 (Holland)

Mono: + Odeon O 22 681 single 1963 (Germany) + probably Odeon O 83 568 With the Beatles 1963 (Germany) + probably Odeon O 83 991 Beatles Greatest 1965 (Germany)

The above information was taken from The Usenet Guide To Beatles Variations (Brennan).

3. And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney) 2:37


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM Take 21 - US 27 Feb 1964 SS.AHDN.05.21.RM.US The Beatles A mix for United Artists (for AHDN movie) whose a copy was given to Capitol. Used also on the following US mono releases: + And I Love Her/If I Fell (Capitol 5235) + Something New (Capitol T-2108) + A Hard Day's Night (United Artists - UA 6366)

4. And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney) 2:30


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RSx Take 21 - Germany 27 Feb 1964 SS.AHDN.05.21.RSx.Ger This alternate mix was issued on the german release of "Something New" (Odeon SMO 830 756). Re-released later on the US LP "The Beatles Rarities".

5. And Your Bird Can Sing (Lennon/McCartney) 2:02 Regular Take 10 & 6 RM7 & 8 - US 26 Apr 1966

The Beatles

6. And Your Bird Can Sing (Lennon/McCartney) 2:00 Regular Take 10 & 6 RS? Or RS1 & 2 26 Apr 1966

The Beatles

7. Any Time At All (Lennon/McCartney) 2:13


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM3 Take 11 - US 2 Jun 1964 SS.AHDN.08.11.RM3.US The Beatles Created for Capitol. Released on "Something New" US mono LP.

8. Baby You're A Rich Man (Lennon/McCartney) 3:14

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Take 2 RM1 11 May 1967 SS.MMT.09.02.RM1 The Beatles

9. Bad Boy (Williams) 2:20



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM1 Take 4 10 May 1965 SS.PM1.16.04.RM1 Released on: US: Capitol T 2358 Beatles VI 1965; UK: Parlophone PMC 7016 Collection of Oldies 1966.

10. Blue Jay Way (Harrison) 3:46 Regular 1988 Stereo Video Soundtrack (date unknown)

The Beatles

11. Boys (Dixon/Farrell) 2:23



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RSx (RS) Take 1 - US 11 Feb 1963 SS.PPM.05.01.RSx.US The Beatles 1976 remix by George Martin based on the UK stereo version and released exclusively on the US "Rock'n'roll Music" LP.

12. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 5:06 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles The liner notes claim this track as being from the John Lennon "Imagine" CD. However, it has no count-in (which the "Imagine" version has), so I am unsure which version this is. 13. Day Tripper (Lennon/McCartney) 2:52


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM2 Take 3 16 Oct 1965 SS.PM2.01.03.RM2 The Beatles Released on UK: Parlophone R5389 single 1965, Parlophone PMC 7016 Collection of Oldies 1966. US: Capitol 5555 single 1965, Capitol T 2553 Yesterday & Today 1966. CD: EMI single 1989.

14. Day Tripper (Lennon/McCartney) 2:52



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Stereo (date unknown)

First stereo mix.

US: Capitol ST 2553 Yesterday & Today 1966, Apple SKBO-3403 The Beatles 1962-1966 1973. Australia: Parlophone PCSO 7534 Greatest Hits 2 1967.

15. Doctor Robert (Lennon/McCartney) 2:17


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Edit Of RM4 Take 7 - US 17 Apr 1966 SS.REV.11.07.RM4.US The Beatles Edit of RM4 Take 7 made for Capitol. The edit removed 44 seconds of the song (all released versions were "edited" this way). Released on "Yesterday And Today" mono (T 2553).

16. Doctor Robert (Lennon/McCartney) 2:14 Take 7 RS1 (date unknown)

The Beatles

17. Don't Let Me Down (Lennon/McCartney) 3:31 Regular 28 Jan 1969 GB28.004 The Beatles

18. The Fool On The Hill (Lennon/McCartney) 2:57 RS'93 '1967-1970' Video Version (date unknown)

The Beatles

19. From Me To You (Lennon/McCartney) 1:57

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Stereo 5 Mar 1963

The Beatles Tilleul's note: originally listed on BZ as UK mono mix but since this is a collection of oddities, it's probably the stereo mix. 20. Get Back (Lennon/McCartney) 3:12

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Single Mix (date unknown)

The Beatles

21. Girl (Lennon/McCartney) 2:31



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RS1977 Take 2 11 Nov 1965 SS.RS.09.02_o.RS1977 The Beatles Stereo mix released on UK & US versions of "Love Songs" (1977).

22. A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney) 2:40 RM'64 'The Making Of A Hard Day's Night' DVD Version (date unknown)

The Beatles

23. Hello Goodbye (Lennon/McCartney) 3:39 RS'93 '1967-1970' Video Version (date unknown)

The Beatles

24. Hello Goodbye (Lennon/McCartney) 3:33 RS'00 'Beatles 1' Video Version (date unknown)

The Beatles


1. Help! (Lennon/McCartney) 2:18


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM4 Take 12 13 Apr 1965 SS.HLP.01.12.RM4 The Beatles Brennan:

Released on

UK: Parlophone R5305 single 1965, Parlophone PMC 1255 Help! 1965, Parlophone PMC 7016 Collection of Oldies 1966. US: Capitol 5476 single 1965, Capitol SHAL-12060 Rarities 1980. CD: EMI single 1989.

2. Help! (Lennon/McCartney) 2:20 RS'93 1962-1966 Video Version (date unknown)

The Beatles

3. Hey Jude (Lennon/McCartney) 7:17 Regular (date unknown)

The Beatles

4. I Am The Walrus (Lennon/McCartney) 4:32

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 17 Mono Remix 23 American Version (date unknown)

The Beatles Recording commenced on 5 September, 1967 and was finished on the 28th of September.

5. I Am The Walrus (Lennon/McCartney) 4:35 Regular 1988 Stereo Video Soundtrack (date unknown)

The Beatles

6. I Call Your Name (Lennon/McCartney) 2:08



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Edit Of RM1 Take 5 & RM2 Take 7 1 Mar 1964 SS.PM1.11.05/07.RM1/RM2 The Beatles Released on UK: Parlophone GEP 8913 (EP) Long Tall Sally 1964, Parlophone PSLP 261 and PCM 1001 Rarities 1978-79. CD: EMI EP box set 1991.

7. I Call Your Name (Lennon/McCartney) 2:08


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Stereo (date unknown)

Released on The Beatles Second Album (Capitol ST 2080)

8. I Feel Fine (Lennon/McCartney) 2:21 Regular Mono UK (date unknown)

The Beatles

9. I Feel Fine (Lennon/McCartney) 2:23


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RM4 Take 9 - US 18 Oct 1964 SS.PM1.14.09.RM4.US The Beatles Released on

US: Capitol 5327 single 1964, Capitol T 2228 Beatles '65 1964, Apple SKBO-3403 The Beatles 1962-1966 1973.

10. I Feel Fine (Lennon/McCartney) 2:18 Regular Stereo UK (date unknown)

The Beatles

11. I Need You (Harrison) 2:31 Regular Mono US (date unknown)

The Beatles

12. I Saw Her Standing There (Lennon/McCartney) 2:53


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular RSx Take 9 & 12 - US 11 Feb 1963 SS.PPM.01.09/12.RSx.US The Beatles Special mix for "Rock n Roll Music" stereo LP released in 1976. This mix fixes a drop in volume in verse 3 near "we danced through the night" that appears on the "Please Please Me" LP stereo mix. (Brennan)

13. I Should Have Known Better (Lennon/McCartney) 2:44

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular (date unknown)

The Beatles Claims to be the "82 version from the "Reel Music" LP, but I can detect no difference from the other stereo versions. 14. I Wanna Be Your Man (Lennon/McCartney) 1:58 Regular RS (date unknown)

The Beatles

15. I Want To Hold Your Hand (Lennon/McCartney) 2:26 Regular Stereo UK (date unknown)

The Beatles

16. I Want To Hold Your Hand (Lennon/McCartney) 2:25 Alternate Mix Australian Stereo (date unknown)

The Beatles

17. I'll Be Back (Lennon/McCartney) 2:21

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Reprocessed US-stereo For 'Beatles '65' (date unknown)

The Beatles

18. I'll Cry Instead (Lennon/McCartney) 2:06 Alternate Mix Mono US (date unknown)

The Beatles

19. I'm Down (Lennon/McCartney) 2:35 Regular Mono (date unknown)

The Beatles

20. I'm Looking Through You (Lennon/McCartney) 2:29 Regular Stereo - False Start - From US 'Rubber Soul' (date unknown)

The Beatles

21. I'm Only Sleeping (Lennon/McCartney) 3:01 Regular US Mono (date unknown)

The Beatles

22. I'm Only Sleeping (Lennon/McCartney) 3:00 Regular US Simulated Stereo (date unknown)

The Beatles