Beatles - Pepperland - Sgt Pepper Era Sessions And More ( 2 Cd Set )

Beatles - Pepperland  - Sgt Pepper Era Sessions And More ( 2 Cd Set )
Item# bepesgtpeera
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Product Description

Beatles - Pepperland  - Sgt Pepper Era Sessions And More ( 2 Cd Set )

1. John Intro (unknown) 00:50 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles

2. Billy Shears Applause (unknown) 01:05 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Listed as "With A little Help From My Friends".

Tilleul's note: since this lasts only 1:05, this is either an excerpt of WALHFMF or Billy Shears Applause... 3. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney) 00:53 Effects Tape 1 (date unknown)

The Beatles

4. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney) 01:31 Take 10 2 Feb 1967

The Beatles Take 10 is a reduction from take 9. 5. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney) 00:37 Effects Tape 2 (date unknown)

The Beatles

6. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney) 01:03 Take 6 1 Mar 1967

The Beatles

7. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney) 03:06 Edit Take 6-8 1 Mar 1967

The Beatles

8. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney) 02:11 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

9. Fixing A Hole (Lennon/McCartney) 01:06 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

10. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 01:07 Take 1 & 2 17 Feb 1967

The Beatles

11. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 02:33 Take 7 17 Feb 1967

The Beatles

12. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 00:12 Take 7 Excerpts 17 Feb 1967

The Beatles

13. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 00:59 Take 9 Excerpts 17 Feb 1967

The Beatles

14. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 01:07 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

15. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 01:13 Take 1 19 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.01 The Beatles Tilleul's note: More than probably w/ commentary by G. Martin (taken from 25th Sgt Pepper anniversary TV special) 16. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 03:22

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 2 Anthology (Edit) 19 Jan 1967

The Beatles Tilleul's note: This is what I call "pure shit". This is the version from Anthology 2 (Take 1, 2, 6 & Edit Pieces) except it only presents Take 1 and Take 2. Take 2 is edited just before Take 6 (the edit is terribly disgraceful -- you won't listen to this track again after that) and replaced by the end of Take 2 (from Anthology again). This proves the bootlegger has no respect for The Beatles and, worse, no respect for people buying their stuff: this is copying a material that every Beatles fan own (since it's on Anthology) and it's editing severely a "reconstructed" track for no purpose. Beware of other Silent Sea products, they seem to do that quite often... and it sucks ! 17. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 04:21



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RM1 Take 6 20 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.06.RM1 The Beatles Take 6 features new vocals by John, a bass line, Paul's vocals and Ringo's drums. Paul's part (from take 6) was edited on take 2 on Anthology 2.

RM1 (30 Jan 1967) is a very rough mix intended for demo acetate.

Tilleul's note: This is "Take 6 RM1" and not "Take 6" (no RM given) as in the liner notes. 18. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 00:48 (unidentified) 20 Jan 1967

The Beatles Listed as "Take 7 - excerpts"

Tilleul's note: Take 7 is not available. This is not it. However, it may be any alt. mix based on Take 7 AND Take 6. Maybe RS4 ? 19. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 05:07 (unidentified) 20 Jan 1967

The Beatles Listed as "Take 7"

Tilleul's note: Take 7 is not available. This is not it. However, it may be any alt. mix based on Take 7 AND Take 6. Maybe this is "Take 6 & 7b RS unknown" ? 20. When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney) 01:06 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

21. She's Leaving Home (Lennon/McCartney) 01:54 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

22. Interview With Brian Matthews (unknown) 01:04 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles

23. Within You Without You (Harrison) 01:18

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 2 Excerpt 22 Mar 1967

The Beatles From "Sgt Pepper 25th anniversary" TV special. Features George Martin. 24. Within You Without You (Harrison) 05:26

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 2 Backing Track Mar & Apr 1967

The Beatles Taken from Anthology 2 25. Lovely Rita (Lennon/McCartney) 01:34 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

26. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Lennon/McCartney) 01:27 Take 5 1 Apr 1967

The Beatles Taken from Anthology 2 27. Getting Better (Lennon/McCartney) 01:29 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

28. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 01:06 Demo Jan 1967

The Beatles

29. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 02:40 Take 8 16 Feb 1967

The Beatles

30. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 00:35 Take 11 28 Mar 1967

The Beatles

31. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 01:37 Sound Effects (date unknown)

The Beatles

32. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 01:40 Excerpt (date unknown)

The Beatles

33. Only A Northern Song (Harrison) 02:45 Edit Of Takes 3, 11, 12 14 Feb 1967

The Beatles

34. Magical Mystery Tour (Lennon/McCartney) 02:46 Take 9 26 Apr 1967

The Beatles

35. Across The Universe (Lennon/McCartney) 01:32 Home Recording 1967 HR091 The Beatles

36. She's Walking Past My Door (unknown) 01:41 Home Recording (date unknown)

The Beatles

37. You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (Lennon/McCartney) 01:11 Home Recording 1967

The Beatles

38. All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney) 00:27 Take Unknown Excerpt 25 Jun 1967

The Beatles From Anthology video All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney)

Take 57 TV 25 Jun 1967

The Beatles

All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney)

Take 58 TV 25 Jun 1967

The Beatles


1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney) 02:02 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 2. With A Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney) 02:45 Regular Take 11 RM15 30 Mar 1967 SS.SGT.02.11.RM15 The Beatles Mono 3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney) 03:27 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 4. Getting Better (Lennon/McCartney) 02:47 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 5. Fixing A Hole (Lennon/McCartney) 02:37 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 6. She's Leaving Home (Lennon/McCartney) 03:24 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney) 02:36 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 8. Within You Without You (Harrison) 05:08 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 9. When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney) 02:39 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 10. Lovely Rita (Lennon/McCartney) 02:45 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 11. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney) 02:35 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 12. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Lennon/McCartney) 01:19 Regular Take 9 RM9 1 Apr 1967

Mono 13. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney) 05:04


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Take 6, 7 & Edit Piece 9 RM9 20 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.0607.RM9 The Beatles Commercial mono version. Found on Sgt. Pepper's Monomix (Parlophone (Fake) - PMC29567) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Single) (Capitol - Capitol 2612)

Incomplete when compared to the stereo version.

Mono 14. Sergeant Pepper Inner Groove (Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starkey) 00:35 Take 1 (date unknown)

The Beatles

15. Only A Northern Song (Harrison) 03:28 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 16. Baby You're A Rich Man (Lennon/McCartney) 03:05 Regular Take 2 RM1 11 May 1967 SS.MMT.09.02.RM1 The Beatles Mono 17. All Together Now (Lennon/McCartney) 02:17 Take 9 RM6 12 May 1967

The Beatles Mono 18. It's All Too Much (Harrison) 08:17 (unidentified) (date unknown)

The Beatles Mono 19. All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney) 04:00 Regular Take 58 RM4 25 Jun 1967

Mono (from the single -- 13 seconds longer than usual) 20. All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney) 04:24 Take 58 RM11 25 Jun 1967

The Beatles Mono A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RS4 Take 6, 7 20 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.0607.RS4 The Beatles Another stereo mix attempt.

Listed as "Take 7" A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RS5 Take 6, 7 20 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.0607.RS5 The Beatles A quickly aborted stereo mix.

Listed as "Take 7" A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RS6 Take 6, 7 20 Jan 1967 SS.SGT.13.0607.RS6 The Beatles A stereo mix attempt.

Listed as "Take 7" 22. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney) 03:36 Take 8 RM20 2 Mar 1967

The Beatles From the Yellow submarine film, mixed on Nov 1, 1967.