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Item Description
Taken from the game - the complete album - all videos of each
song plus 10 minutes of sesion talk!!! PLUS new bonus upgrades and
new addition from 1967 - plus related promo videos from Pepper! 110
1. Sgt Pepper Trailer
2. Introduction
3. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
With a Little Help from My Friends
4. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
5. Getting Better
6. Fixing a Hole
7. She's Leaving Home
8. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!
9. Within You Without You
10. When I'm Sixty-Four
11. Lovely Rita
12. Good Morning Good Morning
13. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
14. A Day in the Life
15. Session Talk
1. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Documentary - made
from TV Special and DVD - longer and complete now!
2. January 18, 1967: Scene Special - It's So Far Out It's
Straight Down....Aired on March 7, 1967 - longer and better
3. A Day in the Life #1
4. A Day in the Life #2
5. A Day in the Life #3
6. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
7. June 4, 1967: John's Rolls Royce - Pathe Newsreel - new
8. July 17, 1967: John's Caravan - Pathe Newsreel - new
9. July 22, 1967: London Heathrow Airport - BBC News - NEW!
10. September 12, 1967: Royal Hotel, Teignmouth + Grand
Hotel, Plymouth - Southwest at 6 - UPGRADED!
11. September 11, 1967: Royal Hotel, Teignmouth - filming
Magical Mystery Tour NEW!
12. September 12, 1967: Grand Hotel, Plymouth - color footage
- NEW FOOTAGE included
13. September 13, 1967: Atlantic Hotel, Newquay - color
footage - NEW FOOTAGE included
14. September 15, 1967: Atlantic Hotel, Newquay - color
footage - NEW FOOTAGE included
15. September, 1967: Interviews with George and Ringo on the
filming - NEW
16. October 8, 1967: Madame Tussauds New Attractions - Pathe
Newsreel - NEW
17. October 14, 1967: Falsterbohus, Falsterbo, Sweden -