Beatles (6/Cd)Everest Vol 3 With Slipcase

Beatles (6/Cd)Everest Vol 3 With Slipcase
Item# newitem1563582194
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Product Description

Beatles (6/Cd)Everest Vol 3 With Slipcase
DISC ONE POLYTHENE PAM – SHE CAME IN THROUGH THE BATHROOM WINDOW July 25, 1969 01. Takes 1-2 fragments 02. Unknown Take fragment I 03. Unknown Take fragment II 04. Unknown Take breakdown 05. Take 27

July 28, 1969 06. Acoustic Guitar Re Make SI –multitrack 07. Take 39 w/SI 08. Drums SI -multitrack 09. Bass Re Make SI –multitrack 10. Original Electric Guitar track & SI -multitrack 11. Polythene Pam: Tambourine, Maracas, Cowbell SI #1 12. Polythene Pam: Tambourine, Maracas, Cowbell Si #2 13. Bathroom Window: Tambourine SI

July 28 & 30, 1969 14. Polythene Pam: John double vocal 15. Bathroom Window: Paul double vocal 16. Backing vocals #1 17. Backing vocals #2 18. Lead Guitars SI +Backing vocals Stereo track 19. Early Mix 20. Final vocal mix –multitrack 21. Different Stereo Mix from Rockband

GOLDEN SLUMBERS January 9, 1969 22. Rehearsal

CARRY THAT WEIGHT January 6, 1969 23. Rehearsals #1 24. Rehearsals #2 25. Rehearsals #3

January 9, 1969 26. Rehearsal #4

GOLDEN SLUMBERS – CARRY THAT WEIGHT January 7, 1969 27. Rehearsal

July 2, 1969 28. Take 1/The Fool on The Hill 29. Take 2 (breakdown) 30. Take 3 (breakdown) 31. Unknown Take (breakdown) 32. Take 13

EXTRAS 33. Take 2 Monitor Mix 34. Piano -multitracks 35. Drums -multitrack 36. Bass -multitrack

DISC TWO GOLDEN SLUMBERS – CARRY THAT WEIGHT July 3, 1969 01. Guitar SI – multitrack

July 30, 1969 02. Take 17 Different vocal track + backings 03. Extra Backing vocals SI 04. Take 17 Early Mix w/different vocal track

July 31, 1969 05. Golden Slumbers : Paul vocal re-make 06. Timpani Drums SI – multitrack

August 15, 1969 07. Orchestra SI onto Take 17 08. Orchestra -multitrack

July 3,30,31 & August 15, 1969 09. Vocals w/31 July inserts 10. Carry That Weight Extra Drum and Paul vocal 11. Carry That Weight Ringo vocal 1 + Paul & George 12. Carry That Weight Ringo vocal 2 + George & Paul 13. Carry That Weight Stereo Ringo vocals + backings 14. All Vocal Tracks – multitrack

THE END July 23, 1969 15. Warm up 16. Take 3 17. Take 7 18. Piano SI

July 30, 1969 19. Early mix w/edit piece

August 5, 1969 20. Vocals Section 1 21. Vocals Section 2 22. Vocals Section 3 single track fragment 23. Vocals Section 3 double tracked

07 AUG, 1969 24-Tambourine & Guitar Solos SI Alternate Mix

August 8G, 1969 25. Final Part Drum SI 26. Final Part Mix (no orchestra)

August 21, 1969 27. Orchestra Editing

August 25, 1969 28. Take 7 Reduction 29. Take 7 Alternate Mix (Acetate fake?) 30. Take 7 1995 Mix

MULTITRACKS 31. Drums 32. Bass 33. Rhythm Guitar 34. Lead Guitar Solos 35. Piano 36. Instrumental 37. Rockband Mix

HER MAJESTY January 9 & 21, 1969 38. Rehearsals #1 39. Rehearsals #2

July 2, 1969 40. Take 1 41. Take 2 42. Take 3 43. Take 3 Rough Mix 44. Vocal – multitrack 45. Rockaband Mix

DISC THREE THE LONG ONE July 30, 1969 TRIAL EDIT AND MIX 01. RS2 Medley Part 1 w/Her Majesty (reconstructed) 02. RS2 Medley Part 2 03. RS2 Medley Part 1 final cut reduction tape 04. RS2 Medley Part 2 final cut reduction tape

BALLAD OF JOHN AND YOKO April 14, 1969 05. Chats from Take 2 & Take 4 06. Take 7 07. Take 10 partial (from 5.1) 08. Bass SI (from 5.1) 09. Take 10 w/bass and Paul vocal (from 5.1) 10. Guitar, Piano & Paul vocal SI (from 5.1) 11. Electric Guitar and Piano SI (from 5.1) 12. Guitar & Maracas SI (from 5.1) 13. Overdubs upfront mix 14. Apple Acetate

MAY-JUNE, 1969 BED IN MONTREAL 15-Vocal rendition

EXTRAS 16-US Stereo Mix 17-Australian Mono Mix 18-New Zealand Censored Mix 19-EMI censored video version 1 20-EMI censored video version 2

DISC FOUR OLD BROWN SHOE February 25, 1969 01. Demo w/Bass Overdub 02. Demo w/Guitar Overdub 03. Demo final version 04. Demo (Apple Acetate) 05. Demo Unedited John Barrett Mix 06. Demo 1995 Mix

April 16, 1969 07. Take 2 08. Take 4 no organ (channel mix)

April 18, 1969 09. Organ and Guitar overdubs (channel mix) 10. Bass, Guitars and Organ (channel mix)

EXTRAS 11. New Zealand Mono Mix

COME AND GET IT July 24, 1969 12. Demo w/single vocal track 13. Demo w/maracas SI 14. Demo w/double tracked vocal 15. Demo Mix #1 Unreleased 1969 version 16. Boardroom Tape 1976 Monitor Mix 17. Demo Mix #2 Unreleased “1,2,3,4! Sessions” 1984 18. Demo Mix #3 Unreleased ‘Sessions’ version 1985 19. Demo Mix #4 John Barrett Tape 20. Demo Mix #5- 1995 Mix

August 22, 1969 McCARTNEY SESSION WITH BADFINGER 21. Take 1 22. Take 2 (breakdown) 23. Take 3 (breakdown) 24. Take 4 (breakdown) 25. Take 5 26. Take 6 27. Take 7 (breakdown) 28. Take 8 (breakdown) 29. Take 9 (breakdown) 30. Take 10 31. Take 11 (breakdown) 32. Take 12 (breakdown) 33. Take 13

DISC FIVE COME AND GET IT August 22, 1969 McCARTNEY SESSION WITH BADFINGER 01. Take 14 02. Take 15 03. Take 16 (breakdown) 04. Take 17 (breakdown) 05. Take 18 06. Take 19 (breakdown) 07. Take 20 08. Take 21 09. Take 22 (breakdown) 10. Take 23 (breakdown) 11. Take 24 (breakdown) 12. Take 25 (breakdown) 13. Take 26

GOODBYE February 1969 14. Paul Home Demo (upgraded source)

GEORGE’S SOLO DEMO SESSIONS ISN’T IT A PITY January 26, 1969 15. Studio Demo

ALL THINGS MUST PASS February 25, 1969 16. Demo Single vocal track 17. Demo w/overdubs and double vocal 18. Demo Apple Acetate Mix

YOU KNOW MY NAME (LOOK UP THE NUMBER) May 17, June 7 & 8, 1967 + April 30, 1969 19. 1969 John & Paul overdubs 20. Middle section John & Paul vocal SI 21. Middle section Paul & John vocal SI 22. Unreleased Full version

RADIO LUXEMBOURG SEPT 1969 23.-40. Album Track by Track with John Lennon

INTERVIEW 41. Everett is Here with John, Sept 1969

DISC SIX INTERVIEWS 01. Scene and Heard with Paul, Sept 1969 02. Scene and Heard with George, Sept 1969

2019 SPECIAL 03. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 04. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 05. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 06. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 07. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 08. 50th Anniversary Radio Show 09. 50th Anniversary Radio Show

50th Anniversary Spots 10. 15” commercial 11. 30” commercial