BEATLES WOMEN Interviews Specials Pattie Boyd DVD
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Item Description
WITH HIGH RES ARTWORK - NOT copies of a copy! PRO SILK SCREENED LABEL High quality DVD-R PRO Interactive Menus You found the best right here! AND THESE ARE THE ORIGINAL FAB DVDS - not knock offs or poor copies THE BEATLES: BEATLES WOMEN Interviews Specials Pattie Boyd DVDFirst up the 2007 documentary with all the Beatle gals - Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd, Maureen Cox, Jane Asher, Linda McCartney,Yoko Ono, Barbara Bach with rare footage included! Then a few interviews with Aunt Mimi, Cynthia, Pattie, May Pang and Jane Asherfrom 2007! Approx 2 hours in excellent quality and in chapters!01. 2007: The Beatles Women: Cynthia and Yoko Part 102. Cynthia and Yoko Part 203. Yoko and Jane Asher04. Linda McCartney05. Heather Mills, Pattie Boyd and Olivia06. Maureen and Barbara07. 1965: Pattie Boyd Pond's Commercial (in Spanish)08. 1969: Pattie Boyd Dop shampoo by L'Oreal Commercial09. 1981: John's Aunt Mimi UK Interview10. 1985: Cynthia Lennon Interview - Saturday Review 11. 1985: Cynthia Lennon Interview - Wogan12. October 5, 2007: Jane Asher Interview - Paul O'Grady Show13. October 13, 2007: Pattie Boyd Interview - Tubridy Tonight14. January 30, 2009: Pattie Boyd Interview - CBC The Hour 15. November 14, 2009: Pattie Boyd Interview - Jakhalzen Dutch TV16. October 24, 2008: May Pang Interview - Lightning 100 Nashville