Product Description

With an emphasis on quality over quantity, the latest work of PADDINGTON label to release the historical sound source that has been carefully selected content and sound quality that does not fall worth be generic theme to the other label, Derek and the Dominos of the concert at Fillmore, it will be 10 Disc that all the existing tape was exhaustive. Although previously had been sold out out of print and have been released from the label, you will re-master recurrence.
Concert in this Fillmore on October 23 and 24th, 1970, respectively Early Show and Late Show twice, a total of four times of the stage was held. Of this four stage, of the 23rd Early Show and Late Show, a late show of the 24th, regardless of the sound board sound source audience sound source, the concept of fully to record everything that existing in the original, that all was recorded in 10 sheets, we are exactly what should be called Complete Fillmore Tapes, a work indispensable for Dominos fans. So, let’s introduce the contents for each disk.
Disk 1, the 23rd Early Show sound board sound source has been recorded. Is regrettable that not a complete recording in recording of all four songs, but “Little Wing” of this performance is something valuable to hear in this sound source only. Fillmore is that first prize of the first day, but not that tension is felt, it is playing afford to have been doing a large-scale tour is glimpse.
Disk 2, early show of audience recording of the 23rd has been recorded. And in the audience source as at the time of recording that fall into the category of high-quality sound, could not the be heard until now “Blues Power”, “Have You Ever Loved A Woman” three songs of “Tell The Truth” is the first in this sound source and appeared in it, glad recording for fans to collect the few Dominos sound source.
Disc 3 & 4, we have recorded the 23rd late show at the sound board recording. This sound board tapes, probably from the generation of the difference of the tape that was floating around, seems to exist two kinds but missing assumed that contains “Let It Rain”. And those that are properly recorded performances of this time in already issued the title, missing “Let It Rain” incomplete although two have a loincloth used for playing the 24th had been released. Of course this work is a complete board that can be heard in the neat day of the performance. This performance was originally great sound quality as a sound board sound source, you will say that this work can be compared with those of conventional is the best thing.
Disk 5 & 6, has recorded the late show of Part 23 days at audience recording. This is a full first appearance sound source, a high quality audience recording immersive performances you familiar everyday, makes it realistic in the can was the sound of that you hear in the day of the audience. Such as Members of beginning by moderator, sound it is possible to enjoy the can was not part of that you hear in the board sound source, might now also there is a new discovery. It is such a first appearance sound source. Sound quality may be, is the quality that enjoy enough even without the sound board sound source.
Disk 7 & 8, has recorded the late show of the 24th at the sound board. The attention points to be, in this time Get the master is that “Bottle Of Red Wine” was unreleased. The sound source itself seemed already missing in the original outflow of course, had been turning to use the “Bottle Of Red Wine” of all the day before the 23rd Late Show those included with your existing departure board. Although this depending on the literature of overseas fact you statement that “” Bottle Of Red Wine “has not been played in this performance” is seen, the same song in the audience and the source of the disk 10 is clearly different from that of the previous day since the alternate take of, this day also seems to play itself has been in. In this work, only that the the 24th late show of sound source, it was missing from the beginning “Bottle Of Red Wine” is the compensation of in a different date not carried out.
Disk 9 & 10, has recorded the late show of the next the 24th at the audience recording. This source, the song that is connected to the song that originally interrupted between songs mixed, was unknown the exact track order as far as listening to the original tape. However, as the songs that each other are connected, the song clearly a cut in between songs, while you continue to consider and let butt and a recording that was left at the time, this is intentionally in the course of the outflow of tape song I was led to the conclusion that or not than the order has been changed. So the lump together of multiple songs that have not expired between there were songs to the original source, sort before and after the song that has cut, this work is, perhaps this is was re-configured to set the list to be certain the original would be correct . For this source itself is not the songs recording, but there is a possibility that was playing the other songs in between, speaking only for the songs that have been recorded here, this song order is assumed to correct. Also become a thing normal pitch deviation is large was quite slow in its outstanding board.
The live at the Fillmore of Derek and the Dominos, reproduced in full form including official unreleased song “Complete Fillmore Tapes”. Moreover, recorded all those present in the audience sound source and the sound board sound source has been confirmed, first appearance the 23rd Late Show audience sources, besides just the sum of the complete including “Let It Rain” of the 23rd Late Show this title became the CD10 Disc blockbuster. The recording three performances at the 6 types of sources. This Fillmore sound source of Dominos is perfect. Also used to jacket thick coating exclusive glossy paper time. Board is beautiful picture disc specifications. Thick Jewel case two sets, it will become a specification together in one in slip case. Planning, master production, and design, the project team made up of artisan population has created once again to carefully treasures of EC fan. Please be aligned to your collection as Ketteiban of Dominos sound source!
October 23, 1970 Early Show SOUNDBOARD SOURCE
01. Introduction
02. Got To Get Better In A Little While
03. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Little Wing
October 23, 1970 Early Show AUDIENCE SOURCE
01. Introduction
02. Got To Get Better In A Little While
03. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
04. Blues Power
05. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
06. Tell The Truth
07. Presence Of The Lord
October 23, 1970 Late Show SOUNDBOARD SOURCE
01. Got To Get Better In A Little While
02. Key To The Highway
03. Tell The Truth
04. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
05. Blues Power
01. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
02. Bottle Of Red Wine
03. Presence Of The Lord
04. Little Wing
05. Let It Rain
06. Crossroads
October 23, 1970 Late Show AUDIENCE SOURCE
01. Introduction
02. Got To Get Better In A Little While
03. Key To The Highway
04. Tell The Truth
05. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
06. Blues Power
07. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
01. Bottle Of Red Wine
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Little Wing
04. Let It Rain
05. Crossroads
October 24, 1970 Late Show SOUNDBOARD SOURCE
01. Introduction
02. Got To Get Better In A Little While
03. Blues Power
04. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
05. Key To The Highway
06. Tell The Truth
01. Nobody Knows You When You Down And Out
02. Let It Rain
03. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Roll It Over
06. Little Wing
October 24, 1970 Late Show AUDIENCE SOURCE
01. Blues Power
02. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
03. Key To The Highway
04. Let It Rain
01. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Bottle Of Red Wine
04. Roll It Over
05. Little Wing
06. Eric Clapton Interview October 24, 1970