Product Description

This collections covers everything with 180 minutes of new and upgraded, remastered and newlly transferred footage! Everything is new or upgraded or remastered! The Traveling Wilburys continue with their 2nd LP and all the promotions to go with it! Interviews for the USA, UK and Europe - many fpor the first time here too! Taken from master files - mainly original VHS! Most in EX quality!
So many firsts on this edition too! Wilbury's travel with Vol.3 release and all the videos, interviews (most presented here for the first time!) from USA and Europe!
36 chapters all in the best quality quality found! 180 minutes!
01. May 3: Wilbury's Recording sessions : Arrival, Jim Keltner on drums, playbacks of Armchair Theatre - Cold Water Canyon, Los Angeles, CA
02. Part 2
03. May 4: Wilbury's Recording sessions: Drum Overdubs, Like a Ship, 7 Deadly Sins playbacks - Cold Water Canyon, Los Angeles, CA
04. May 5: Wilbury's Recording sessions: Party! - Cold Water Canyon, Los Angeles, CA
05. May 7: Shopping with Jim Keltner in Los Angeles, CA
06. May 13: Jeff Lynne Interview - MTV News
07. June: Every Little Thing - Jeff Lynne (with George) - Promo Video
08. Lift Me Up - Jeff Lynne (with George) - Promo Video
09. June 11: Nobody's Child - Promo Video (with slate)
10. June 20: Interview with Olivia - Wogan aired on the 22nd
11. July 20: Romanian Angel Appeal EPK
12. July 24: Barbara Bach & Olivia Interview - CBS This Morning
01. July 25: George & Olivia Interview - Hyde Park Hotel, London - Entertainment Tonight
02. George & Olivia Interview - Today Show
03. August 1: Jeff Lynne Interview - CNN Showbiz Today
04. August 2: George & Olivia Interview - CNN Showbiz Today
05. September 12: Romanian Appeal Interview - VH1 Quickies
06. September 23: George and Bangla Desh - Memories Then and Now
07. October 5: George and Olivia Interview - Fax
08. October 9: VH1 Traveling Wilburys Sunday Ad #1
09. October 9-11: She's My Baby Raw Footage - Los Angeles, CA
10. October 13:She's My Baby - Promo Video (alternate)
11. Inside Out - Promo Video
12. Inside Out - 3 Multi Cam version
13. Traveling Wilburys Vol.3 Promo Reel
14. Wilbury's Vol.3 LP Commercial - 2 versions
15. Traveling Wilburys Vol.3 EPK
16. October 14: VH1 Traveling Wilburys Sunday Ad #2
17. October 20: Interview - Los Angeles, CA - MTV Week in Rock
18. October 24: Romanian Appeal Update - MTV Week in Rock
19. She's My Baby - MTV Premiere
20. October 30: Interview with Rona Elliot - Los Angeles, CA - Today Show
21. October 31: George on Middle East - MTV News
22. Fall, 1990: George during interviews - Entertainment Tonight
23. November 10: Wilbury's Interview - The New Music
24. November 11: Interview - Sunday Sunday