Product Description

This collections covers everything with new and upgraded, remastered and newlly transferred footage in 2014! New reports, Apple Years
promotions, ads and George week on Conan, Wonderwall, Olivia interviews and bonus 2011 movie premiere interview footage from raw footage! Plus bonus disc with What Is Life Promos! GREAT compilation and the last of the George series of DVDS....90 minutes 40 chapters!
01 Jan 21: Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert Reissue Ad
02 March 24: Wonderwall - The Apple Trailer
03 Wonderwall - The Magical Realm Trailer
04 Wonderwall - The Mystery Peephole Trailer
05 May 7: George Guitar Leads Beatles Auction - IB Times
06 Rare George Guitar in Auction - Rueters
07 Rare George Guitar in Auction - Terra News
08 Rare George Guitar in Auction -Telefe Noticias
09 July 22: George's Tree Is Felled By Beetles - Newsloop
10 George's Tree Is Felled By Beetles - Tyler Telegraph
11 George's Tree Is Felled By Beetles - Wochit
12 Memorial Tree for George destroyed by Beetles - Huffington Post
13 Aug 5: Selfies by George Harrison - Mais Cultura
14 Aug 30: UNICEF in Bangladesh with Olivia
15 Sept 2: The Apple Years 1968-75 Ad Long
16 George Harrison The Apple Years 1968-75 Ad
17 Sept 5: Wonderwall Music Album Promo Apple Years
18 Sept 9: Electronic Sound Album Promo for Apple Years
19 Sept 13: Ronnie Wood I've Got My Own Album to Do 40th Promo
20 Sept 15: Conan O'Brien To Honor George - Wochit
21 Sept 17: All Things Must Pass Album Promo for Apple Years
22 Sept 22: Living In The Material World Promo for Apple Years
23 George Harrison The Apple Years, DVD Menus
24 Conan Kicks Off George Harrison Week
25 Beck - Wah Wah - Conan
26 Sept 23: Paul Simon's Memories Of George - Conan
27 Paul Simon - Here Comes The Sun - Conan
28 Sept 24: Dhani Harrison - Let It Down - Conan
29 Dhani Interview - Conan
30 Dhani Harrison - Let It Roll - Conan
31 Norah Jones - Behind That Locked Door - Conan
32 Sept 23: Olivia Interview - Later with Jools Holland
33 Sept 28: Dhani Harrison - Savoy Truffle - Georgefest
34 Oct 1: Dark Horse Album Promo For Apple Years
35 Oct 10: Extra Texture Album Promo For Apple Years
36 Oct 20: George's childhood home on auction - Liverpool Echo
37 Oct 21: Fear of Flying (Demo) found!
Nov 2, 2011: Interviews with Terry Gillium, Martin Scorcxese, Olivia, Ringo, Yoko and others -
Liverpool Premiere Living in the Material world - SuperPopAccess
01 What Is Life Promo Video- Competition Winner
02 Whatr Is Life - Runner Up