Product Description

More from George! First up Music Planet special from 2002 from Germany - in English & German and includes
many RARE clips and interviews from The Beatles, George and Paul solo! Includes interviews with Tony Sheridan
and Donovan - this covers from birth thru the Beatles, solo and death....great special in EX quality! Plus new finds
with 1977 interview on Sunday Rendez Vous, The Bunbury Tails and upgrades of Christmas with Rutland TV,
George and Pattie busted (with NEW color footage!) and more! 17 chapters! Approx 90 minutes.
Music Planet Special
Aired January 8, 2002 on ZDF-TV Germany
01 Birth to Hamburg with Tony Sheridan
02 Beatlemania
03 India and Donovan
04 Solo Career 1
05 Solo Career 2
06 Solo Career 3
07 Solo Career 4
08 Solo Career 5
BONUS: (All new, longer or upgrade)
01 March 18, 1969: George & Pattie get busted - Kinfauns, Esher - ITN B/W & Color
02 13, 1975: Christmas with Rutland TV
03 Feb 6, 1977: Interview - Paris, France - Sunday Rendez Vous
04 Nov 2, 1987: Cloud Nine LP Italy Ad
05 1988: Planting at Friar Park
06 Feb 23, 1989: George attends Pow Wow Highway Premiere with interview - DGA Theatre, Los Angeles, CA - ITN News
07 June 11, 1990: Every Little Thing & Interview - Jeff Lynne - NRK
08 Oct 5, 1992: The Bunbury Tails - Rajbun's Story
09 July 27, 2001: George Interviews from 1997 - Ravi Shankar Special - South Bank Show