Product Description

Upgraded and much new material added from previous volumes! Video wobble removed, all in correct aspect raito and audio
improved! January thru April, 1972! Includes promos made for Imagine, songs from Mike Douglas from HD, Court appearances,
interviews & press conferences and rallies and much more! new finds and upgrades!
36 Chapters Approx 150 minutes. All upscaled HD 1080!
01 720114 It's So Hard - KYW-TV Studios, Philadelphia, PA - Mike Douglas Show
02 720117 Crippled Inside - Promo Video with Slate
03 Gimme Some Truth #1 - Promo Video with Slate
04 Gimme Some Truth #2 - Promo Video
05 How - Promo Video with Slate
06 Jealous Guy #1 - Promo Video with Slate
07 Jealous Guy #2 - Promo Video
08 Oh My Love - Promo Video with Slate
09 Oh Yoko! - Promo Video
10 720127 Memphis - Interview with Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode - Mike Douglas Show
11 720204 The Luck of the Irish (Uncensored) - Mike Douglas Show
12 720205 Irish Freedom Rally - BOAC Building, NYC, NY - BBC News
13 720316 Arrival - INS Offices, NYC, NY - CBS Raw Footage
14 Arrival & Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - ABC Raw Footage
15 Arrival & Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - NBC Raw Footage
16 Arrival & Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - Uknown
17 Interview Clips - INS Offices, NYC, NY - NBC
01 720311 Attica State - Interview - NY - Filmed Dec 3, 1971 - Aquarius
02 720323 Concert for Bangle Desh Premiere - De Mille Theatre NYC NY - GHDVD
03 710417 John Cage Visit - Bank St NYC NY - 72`20.958" For A Composer
04 720418 Interview with Geraldo Rivera - INS Offices, NYC, NY - ABC News
05 Interview with Geraldo Rivera - INS Offices, NYC, NY - ABC News with Raw Footage
06 Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - CBS Raw Footage #1
07 Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - CBS Raw Footage #2
08 INS Offices, NYC, NY - UPITN Footage
09 Interview - INS Offices, NYC, NY - ABC - UPITN
10 720422 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - ABC Raw Footage
11 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - ABC
12 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - Assoc Press
13 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - CBS Raw Footage
14 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - NBC
15 Duffy Square, Bryant Park, NYC, NY - Unknown Footage
16 720428 Press Conference - National Press Club, Washington DC - ABC Raw Footage
17 Press Conf - Nat Press Club, Washington DC - Assoc Press/ UPI
18 Press Conf - Nat Press Club, Washington DC - CBS
19 Press Conf - Nat Press Club, Washington DC - UPITN