Product Description

The dissolution of the Beatles was in 1970, but at the end of the band there was a time when we were doing solo activities in parallel. Pole originally tried to continue and reassociate the band, such as Get Back Session and Abbey Road, with content that should be said to be the aggregate of each solo song, but I felt a sense of solo activity John, and George who found a place for exchanges with Clapton and Dylan did not lead to a transformation. Especially John found out the same value as Paul in collaboration with Yoko, and worked on activities that moved the main axis to Yoko. As a solo activity of John in the lives of the Beatles, the solo stage at Toronto recorded in the album “LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO” along with rock ‘n’ roll · circus should be strikingly striking.
In Canada, a festival called rock ‘n’ roll · revival every year is held. John’s appearance begins with a promoter that partitions the event requesting to appear on the phone. It is not clear why the promoter asked John individual rather than the Beatles for whatever reason, but it may be the reason that the reputation that the Beatles were the night before the dissolution was flowing. Actually John is accepting not as a Beatle but as a condition with his band.
September 13, 1969 In order to appear in this event held at the Va city stadium in Toronto, Canada suddenly decided to form a band. Originally I asked George to give me a guitar, but I could not get a good reply but I decided to put Eric Clapton instead. The other members are Klaus Vuermann, Alan White, and five members of John and Yoko. The band name was named “PLASTIC ONO BAND”. This is based on the concept that the members are not permanent but fluid, and from time to time anyone can become a member of the band.
How the sudden appearance was requested and whether the band formation was slapsticked is that Alan White’s appearance decision was just the day before and Clapton who did not grasp the concert date was sleeping as usual on the morning of the concert day It seems to me from the episode that we received a phone call and headed for the airport in a panic. Because it was such a quick band, I could not make time for rehearsals beforehand. So we had a meeting and a rehearsal in an aircraft heading for Toronto, and we almost bumped up and went through the production. Five members who boarded an airplane to Toronto from Heathrow Airport took part in the selection of the music piece in the cabin first. John and Clapton play the guitar without passing amps inside the plane, mainly because of the standard number that everyone knows because Always White does not undergo pre-rehearsals, Alan White rehearses simply by hitting the backrest of the seat of the airplane It is reported that they did something.
Rock roll · Revival is aimed at rebuilding the old rock ‘n’ roll as the title of the event, and performers other than John are John ‘s such as Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fatz Domino, Body Dolly and Gene Vincent The names of the great seniors line up a lot. In addition to Oldies musicians, Alice Cooper, Chicago, Doors and so on have also appeared on this day. There were 25,000 audiences who filled the stadium. The festival started yet within the bright day, but it was totally dark by the time John appeared. When John is invited to an announcement of an exciting moderator, when John appears on the stage, after lightly tuning, he speaks to the audience towards the first microphone open. “I will play the songs we all know, because we have never played together before.”
The sound source of this work had been released from the earlier M Claudel label as it was audience recording in the past. But this time when listening again, from the point that the sound is close to high sound quality near the audience recording, the position of the cut between the songs is the same, etc., this is also one of the recordings on the premise of the official release It seems to be. And, the point that you can hear the sound to trace, obviously this is that of acetate. However, although details will be described later, there are significant differences in the recording themselves not limited to the mix difference category, and it is also a mystery sound source. Therefore, in this work, it is positioned as an early acetate sound source considerably before the final mix, and that fact is made to that effect as credits for the back jacket. Let’s move on to contents.
Moderators’ proud announcements are filled with the excitement of the members of the Beatles. Obviously the reaction of the audience is different from the official, and the sound which touches the microphone which probably will be recording is also recorded in this work, so there is a audience recording as well. In addition, John ‘s voice which gives simple instructions to the band by off – mike per minute is recorded. Also during the tuning band members (which seems to be Klaus) respond to John as well. These were officially cut at all, and it is a place where you can see the situation on the fresh day stage.
The guitar after lyrics of the lyrics of 11 seconds immediately after the beginning of the song has become a phrase of forward sweep with mistakes of Clapton. In the official, this part has been corrected later, it is recorded as if you are playing without mistakes, so it is a part that you do not notice until you compare it with this work. It seems that the second half guitar solo is used as it is. The cheers after playing are different, and here you can hear the audience closer.
The voice of the staff urging Yoko to stage on the intro of the song is recorded. And when John began singing after a long intro at the beginning of the song 24 seconds, I heard that the audience who responded that this song was singing in the Beatles era is exciting. In the official, mix such audience / noise is eliminated as much as possible, and this work is more live feeling transmitted. And the biggest difference lies in the presence of Yoko. Yoko who was inspired at the beginning and came in the center of the stage is only shouting at Aarua ~ Aiaiah ~ ~ ~ throughout the song, but what was cut off with a bagasari is included in this work in the official. This one is the correct answer as a document. Also, after the performance, you can listen to the conversation that John is interacting with other members on stage clearly.
Cover song that decorates the end of the Beatles ‘HELP’, the original is Larry Williams. Here too Yoko puts a cheek of a cheek in the second half of the song. It was truly entering John ‘s microphone and it could not be erased or even official hear it thin, but in this work it is recorded vividly with on – miking. In addition, although the song notation is “Lizzy” in the album of the Beatles, “Lizzie” has become the lyrics of “with a prayer of peace”. This is probably a mistake, so the credits of this work are based on the Beatles and the original. After the performance, there are also voices that John and Yoko are exchanging conversations on stage.
The cover of Oldies is in the central set list, it is the original song of the Beatles era only. This is a foreshadowing that Clapton was in charge of the guitar at the band “DIRTY MAC” who worked for John’s back when playing at the rock and roll circus. Although it was not originally planned, it probably was chosen by Clapton becoming a member. As other songs were, this song is also characterized by the vocal sound of the Yoko being clearly heard in the official by Bassari and mix.
This song is unusual Yoko introduces songs. “This song is the latest song written by John.” But Yoko put it on the place he was still talking and John says “It has never played before (on stage).” It is a band that has never been rehearsed and will play songs that have never played. Indeed the performance is pretty loose and the ending is not decided, the song ends with a bad feeling. Yoko’s vocals are supposed to foster the atmosphere as the theme of this song, but still in the official the mix is made as small as possible, and it remains at the level of sound effects. In this work it is characterized as being recorded with a presence like John and twin vocals. Also I can see that John has taken over the count twice in the intro.
As for this song, processing other than mix such as instrument balance, replacement etc is not done and seems to have no big difference. In analog, this is the side A, and the next two Yoko songs are B side. It is a characteristic that AB tracks are not related to editing in the part where it is separated, and the original and the source are connected with the songs with the uncut.
After finishing the concert on September 13, 1969, John started the mixing work at the Abbey Road Studio with eight truck tapes containing concerts in just over a week. The live album “praying for peace” was born as a result. It is certain that it is definitely different though it is a mystery sound source yet at what stage this work is or what purpose it was made. The live where John appeared as a solo in the rock fest where the Beatles was still active. Moreover, it is Eric · Clapton, Klaus · Verman, Alan White, etc. who work back. It was a hasty appearance that I could not make time to rehearse, but I can enjoy John’s bursting rock’n’roll voice, surpassing the low maturity of the performance. In addition, in the first half of this work, the remaster sound source which removed noise such as a needle sound and balanced the sound quality, and the unchanged raw sound source in the second half are recorded.