Product Description

JOHN LENNON DOUBLE FANTASY SESSIONS VOL.2 2 CDFor the first time all MCRT tapes, outtakes, multitacks and rough mixes all in one place - in order by song then recording date!Taken from every souce avialable plus other material not on CD before! This is an incredible set and near complete! There are 4 stesfrom these sessions. each disc is 75-79 minutes long too!DISC ONE:01. Beautiful Boy Take02. Beautiful Boy Rehearsal03. Beautiful Boy Ending04. Beautiful Boy Alternate Take05. Beautiful Boy Vocal Booth06. Beautiful Boy Rehearsal07. Beautiful Boy Rough Mix 108. Beautiful Boy Rough Mix 2 09. Beautiful Boy Rough Mix 310. Watching The Wheels Vocal Booth11. Watching The Wheels Take 2 Vocal Booth12. Watching The Wheels Take 3 Vocal Booth13. Watching The Wheels Vocal Booth14. Watching The Wheels Rough Mix 115. Watching The Wheels Vocal Booth16. Watching The Wheels Take 8 Mix 117. Watching The Wheels Take 8 Mix 218. I'm Your Angel Vocal Booth19. I'm Your Angel Rough Mix20. I'm Your Angel John talks21. Dear Yoko Vocal Booth22. Dear Yoko Take 123. Dear Yoko Take 424. Dear Yoko Take 6 Mix 125. Dear Yoko Take 6 Mix 226. Dear Yoko Rough MixDISC TWO:01. Woman Vocal Booth Take 102. Woman Vocal Booth Take 403. Maggie May04. Woman Acoustic Backing Track05 Woman Vocal Booth 106. Woman Vocal Booth 207. Woman Vocal Booth 308. Woman Vocal Booth 409. Woman Vocal Booth 510. Woman Vocal Booth 611. Woman Rough Mix 112. Woman Rough Mix 213. Woman Rough Mix 314. Woman Rough Mix 3 Alternate15. Woman IMAGINE mix16. Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him Vocal Booth 117. Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him Vocal Booth 218. Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him Vocal Booth 319. Every Man Has a Woman That Loves Him Rough Mix20. Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him JOHN Rough Mix21. Every Man Has a Woman That Loves Him DUET Rough Mix22. Hard Times Are Over Choir overdub 123. Hard Times Are Over Choir overdub 224. Hard Times Are Over Choir overdub 325. Hard Times Are Over Rough Mix26. Woman (Backing Track)