Product Description

News and reports and promotions on John's music catalog on vinyl - with clips, promos, rare footage, interviews and more! For
every album! Plus promos, trailers and news on his art, John Lennon Day in NY and more! Approx 90 mins with 22 chapters!
01 April-June: 1970 - 1973 Album promos and rare footage - JL Facebook
Clips made to promote Lennon on Vinyl Campaign
02 April-June: 1974 - 1980 Album promos and rare footage - JL Facebook
Clips made to promote Lennon on Vinyl Campaign
03 July 30: Luck of the Irish Clip
04 May 18: John Lennon Artworks Promo (20:50)
05 John Lennon Sketchbook Promo (4:18)
06 May 29: John Lennon Art Exhibit in Roswell
07 June 5: John Lennon The Collected Artwork
08 June 23: The Artwork of John Lennon -Fascination St Fine Art Gallery
09 July 29: John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - Raw Footage
10 John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - 9 News
11 John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - 15 Post
12 John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - AFP News
13 John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - BYN News
14 John Honored in NY with Yoko and Bono - Irish Times
15 Aug 27: John Lennon Art show in Omaha - KMTV News
16 Sept 12: Yoko Plans Largest Peace Sign for John's 75th Birthday - Wochit
17 Sept 15: Geraldo Rivera on John and Yoko - Emmy TV Legends
18 Sept 17: Bob Gruen on Photos of John - Sothebys
19 Sept 21: Attica State - 1971 - JL SITE
20 Sept 28: Oh Yoko 1972 Clip - JL SITE
21 Sept 30: John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in NY
22 Christ You Know It Ain't Easy John And Yoko's Battle For Peace Book Trailer