Product Description

Latest work Misterclaudel will be the title that covers work of 1972 of John, the session of the sound source, “Sometime in New York City.” This album is one that took out the front political color that was rash at the time John, you can use a photo that Nixon and Mao is a naked dance, riot at Attica prison and Ireland problem in music the jacket, whereas was something unrealistic such as relief of social activists who have been arrested, previous work “Imagine” was dealing with universal themes, the theme of current affairs that reflects the social conditions of the time in the counter electrode and the universality I can say that to have taken up a lot, and is a title very rare. You surprised because I begin with the N word likened to slave women in the song of feminism suddenly anyway. Content leftist very I think in was something unacceptable to fans once. The style that mixes recorded songs of Yoko in the studio album was also the first time. Therefore, credit has been released as a co-operation of John & Yoko instead of John Lennon.
This work has been covered out-takes of part of the studio recording of the album from the session was recorded in the same period of “Happy Christmas”. Symbolize this album, especially “New York City”, light rock number that expresses the joy obediently who moved to New York of longing. That there was the album of this content pinko would have a difficult time over a long period of time for green card acquired after, its cause is ironic, but the outtakes of this song’s rich also glad place. The contents to understand very well that I repeat take over again, that momentum that’s been building. Even in a simple song like “The Luck Of The Irish”, that it is repeated over and over again rehearsal as this is also the place more interesting. That the demonstration of the same melody is left titled originally “JJ” and “Angela”, the lyrics change the “People” then, it has been diverted as a support song to Angela was imprisoned as a political prisoner finally can ask.
Is it such because of the distraction throughout the session, John has played many songs of the songs in the album other than the addition, or an oldies that have familiar from Cavan era, it come with a wide variety to be Tari a song of The Beatles era. Studio session also covers of songs in the album other than, and demonstration, of the same period in this work. In the studio and “Send Me Some Lovin ‘,” which is played in the demo, such as “Ain’t That A Shame”, which was recorded album to “rock’ n ‘roll” then, oldies lovable John already from this time I think in there was a sprout of the idea of recording itself.
In addition, it is the era of solo John live with less activity, but the sound of a concert of support in response to the riot incident of Attica prison theme was taken up in the album has been recorded in this work. It’s like a guest appearance instead of the full concert Nevertheless, appearance of only three songs just John and Yoko. Of the album “Attica State”, in addition to the “Sisters · O · Sisters”, Yoko show off “Imagine” on an acoustic guitar rather than the piano John John. From a large applause occurs at the beginning of the lyrics begins, can ask that became one of the representative song “Imagine”, reputation as a classic had been gained great popularity since then to do now.
Latest work is M Claudel, covering the sound source session announcement in 1972 of “Sometime in New York City.” Not only the songs in the album, it is a decision board which recorded all the sessions of the same period. Press Release Athletic permanent preservation of the beautiful picture-disk specification. Japanese with belt.
01. Demo (1971)
02. Basic track Rough Mix #1
03. Basic track Rough Mix #2
04. Demo (1971)
05. Alternate Rough Take
06. Demo Take 1 (1971)
07. Demo Take 2 (1971)
08. Demo Take 3 (1971)
09. Studio Rehearsal
10. Demo (1971)
11. Rehearsal #1
12. Rehearsal #2
13. Take 1 (breakdown)
14. Take 2 (breakdown)
15. Take 3
16. Takes 4 (breakdown)
17. Takes 5 & 6
18. Take 7 (breakdown)
19. Take 8
20. Take 9
21. Take 10 (breakdown)
22. Take 11
23. Take 12 (breakdown)
24. Take 13
25. Take 14
26. Takes 15 & 16
27. Take 17
28. Takes 18 & 19 (breakdown)
01. Take 20
02. Improvisation “Let’s Ride”
03. Take 21
04. Takes 22, 23 & 24
05. Demo Take 1
06. Demo Take 2
07. Rehearsal #1
08. New York City – Rehearsal #2
09. Rehearsal #3
10. Rehearsal #4
11. Rehearsal #5
12. Rehearsal #6
13. Rehearsal Take 1
14. Rehearsal #7
15. Rehearsal #8
16. Rehearsal #9
17. Take 1 (breakdown)
18. Take 2
19. Rehearsal #10
20. Rehearsal #11
21. Demo
22. Early demo version “JJ” Take 1
23. Early demo version “JJ” Take 2
24. Early demo version “People”
1971 DEMOS
25. Send me Some Lovin’
26. He Got The Blues
27. I Ain’t Got Time
28. She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain
01. Roll over Beethoven
02. Honey Don’t
03. Ain’t That A Shame
04. My Baby – Not Fade Away
05. Send me Some Lovin’
06. Whole Lotta Shakin’ – It’ll Be Me
07. Honey Hush
08. Don’t Be Cruel – Hound Dog
09. Caribbean
10. Intro
11. Attica State
12. Sisters, O Sisters
13. Imagine
POP2 Broadcasted Jan. 8, 1971
14. Bring on The Lucie (Freda People) – Attica State
15. “George Jackson” improvisation
16. Bring On The Lucie (Freda People) #2 (“Free The Irish”)
“EYEWITNESS NEWS” REHEARSALS San Francisco, August 1972
17. Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
18. Fools Like Me
19. Caribbean
20. Peggy Sue – Bring it On Home
21. Rock Island Line
22. Maybe Maybe
23. Peggy Sue