Product Description

June thru July, 2019! THIS IS GREAT and packed with great material! All HD footage too! Freshen Up Tour - US 2nd Leg
and more! San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Vancouver, San Jose and Los Angeles reports, ads, promos and more! Plus
soundchecks, arrivals and Instagram Stories! Ads for Live Releases, Meat Free Monday. Steven Tyler with Paul posts and
reports! Ringo with Paul reports! Nothing For Free Remix! Paul with al Rokker interview on Hey Grandude! Plus multi-cam
videos of Helter Skelter (with Steven Tyler), single close shot & Paul and Ringo at Dodgers stadium multi-cam and Joe Walsh
on The End and more! SUPER compilation - excellent quality throughout!
Approx 85 minutes with 52 chapters!!!
01 June 19: Wings arrive in San Diego 1976 - ABC7
02 June 22: Greetings San Diego CA
03 Where to park for San Diego Concert - ABC7
04 Paul Coming to San Diego - Good Morning San Diego
05 Paul Coming to San Diego - ABC10
06 Arrival at Petco Park San Diego CA
07 Soundcheck Petco Park San Diego CA
08 DJ Chris & Hot City Horns in San Diego CA - Instagram Stories
09 June 24: Meat Free Monday 10th Anniversary Promo #2
10 June 26: Paul coming to Las Vegas - KTNV
11 Greetings Phoenix
12 June 27: Nod Your Head Amoeba Gig
13 Drive My Car Amoeba Gig
14 June 28: Greetings Las Vegas - Paul Driving on the 27th
15 Arrival at T Mobile Arena Las Vegas NV
16 Steven Tyler with Paul Helter Skelter - Stevens FB
17 Helter Skelter with Steven Tyler - Paul's Instagram
18 June 29: Freshen Up in Las Vegas NV
19 Arrival at T Mobile Arena Las Vegas NV
20 Soundcheck T Mobile Arena Las Vegas NV
21 June 30: Nothing For Free (DJ Chris Holmes Remix)
22 July 2: Paul is Live Coming Soon Ad
23 July 3: Steven Tyler Joins Paul In Vegas - CBS NY
24 July 4: Behind the scenes Paul records Hey Grandude
25 July 6: Greetings Vancouver BC
26 Beatles superfan in BC - CBC
27 Arrival BC Place, Vancouver, BC
28 Soundcheck BC Place, Vancouver, BC
29 July 9: Fake Tickets sold to Fans - Vancouver News
30 Nothing For Free Remix ad
31 Paul Gives Shout Out to Leon Wildes
32 July 10: Greetings San Jose CA
33 July 12: Paul's Live Albums Out Today Ad
34 July 13: Greetings Los Angeles CA
35 Soundcheck Dodger Stadium, LA, CA
36 Ringo joins Paul at Dodger Stadium - ABC/ CBS/ CBS
37 July 15: Ringo joins Paul at Dodgers Stadium - CBS LA
38 Ringo joins Paul on stage at Dodgers Stadium - KGNS
39 Ringo joins Paul on stage at Dodgers Stadium - TF News
40 July 16: Listen to Amoeba Gig on Spotify
41 July 17: Paul writing Its a Wonderful Life Musical - AP
42 Paul writing Its a Wonderful Life Musical - CV
43 Paul writing Its a Wonderful Life Musical - LON
44 July 18: Paul writing Its a Wonderful Life Musical - Daily Blast
45 Paul writing Its a Wonderful Life Musical - WBRE
46 July 21: Live Album Reissues Out Now ad
47 July 25: Paul with Al Roker in San Jose CA - Today
48 Part Two
June 28 T Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, NV
01 Helter Skelter #1 - Single Shot
02 Helter Skelter #2 - Multi-Cam
03 July 13: Sgt Pepper - Helter Skelter (with Ringo) - Multi-Cam
04 The End (with Joe Wash) - Multi-Cam