PAUL McCARTNEY DVD - Kiev! Shea! Quebec! Summer Tour 2008 Vol.1
Product Description

PAUL McCARTNEY Kiev! Shea! Quebec! Summer Tour 2008 Vol.1 DVD
What a range of clips following Paul thru the summer of 2008! 2 hours and filled with all kind of goodies!
1. April 1: Paul and Nancy Photos - MSN news
2. June 14: Paul rehearses in Kiev - Paul McCartney Site
3. June 14: Concert Raw Footage - ITN News
4. June 15: Kiev Concert - BBC News
5. June 16: Paul's artwork on display in Kiev - Dutch News
6. June 16: Paul's artwork on display in Kiev - Russian News
7. June 20: Paul undergoes heart surgery rumors - ITN News
8. June 24: Meet Free Mondays Paul encourages - 2 reports
9. June 25: Update on Divorce News - CBS News 4 short reports
10. July 1: Paul on Brussels rAlly for selas Message
11. July 2: Paralympics Ad
12. July 2: Paralympics Reports and Interviews - MSNBC/ ITN News
13. July 2: Paul's Message to Quebec/ News Report - Quebec News
14. July 10: Liverpool Beatles Day - Australian News
15. July 11: George Martin Interview - Access Hollywood
16. July 12: George Martin Honored by Grammys - MSN News
17. July 16: Paul and the controversy in Quebec - CBC News/ Montreal News
18. July 17: Paul and the controversy in Quebec - CBC News
19. July 17: Preporation for Quebec Show/ Paul Interview - CTV News/ Montreal News
20. July 18: Paul coming to Quebec - Montreal News
21. July 18: Paul coming to Quebec - Montreal News
22. July 18: Rehearsals for Quebec Show - PM Site
Flaming Pie, Jet, Let Me Roll It, Message, My Love, C-Moon & Birthday in Afro and more!
July 18: Live at Shea Stadium with Billy Joel:
23. I Saw Her standing There
24. Let It Be
25. I Saw Her Standing There
26. Let It Be
27. Let It Be
28. July 19: Paul arrives in Quebec - CTV News
29. July 20: Paul Interview with Quebec TV Station
30. July 20: News reports before Quebec Show - CTV News/ Quebec News/ CBC News
31. July 21: Paul's Quebec Concert - CTV News/ Quebec News - 3 reports