Product Description

April reports and specials on Macca's tour! Tour announcements, ads, news reports and more! Costa Rico show coverage
with pro shot footage, special reports on the concerts in South America, soundcheck footage, more news from the USA,
Japan and Korea too! 20 minutes specila with Paul's tour crew interviews - very interesting! Plus paul introdues Newman
and Appreciate video!!! Most HD clips! 100 minutes with 36 chapters!!! This is a great compilation!
01 April 29: Paul coming to Costa Rica - Repretel
02 April 30: Fans get ready in Costa Rica - NR6 News
03 Concert Report Quito Ecuador - La Republica
04 May 1: Paul McCartney in Costa Rica - Frog TV News
05 Fans wait for Concert in Costa Rico - Ocesa
06 Fans wait for Concert in Costa Rico - Repretel
07 Paul arrives at concert in Costa Rica - Home Video
08 Paul arrives in Costa Rica - Repretel
09 Paul arrives at concert in Costa Rica - Home Video
10 Paul in concert pro shot - La Nacion
11 Paul in concert pro shot - Telitica
12 May 2: Concert Report in Costa Rica - Canal 9
13 Concert Report in Costa Rica - CNN Mexico
14 Paul speaks Spanish in Costa Rica - Repretel
15 May 3: Concert Report in Costa Rica - Repretel
16 Concert Report in Costa Rica - La Teja
17 Paul coming to Times Union Center in Albany - CBS News
18 May 4: Paul in Ecuador - la tv ecuador
19 Paul coming to South Korea - MBC News
20 April 25: Get Back Soundcheck Lima
21 May 1: The Tefeatles on Stage with Paul - Costa Rica Soundcheck
22 May 7: Tickets Sell Out in 30 Minutes in Albany - CBS News
23 May 8: Paul coming to Korea - Daum TV
24 Paul coming to Korea - News
25 Folks camp out in Missoula for Paul Tickets - CBS News
26 Save Us on NEW - Japan Ad
27 May 29: Paul IN America Latina - CNN Latin
28 Paul invites you to Budokan May 21 - Japan Ad
29 Paul's Aston Martin DB5 goes to auction - Newcarnet
30 Tickets on sale in Montana - ABC News
31 Tickets on sale in Montana - CBS News
32 Tickets on sale in Montana - NBC News
33 May 13: Getting OutThere in Lima, Peru - pmsite
34 April 19: Backstage in Montivideo with Paul Special - MDTV
35 May 15: Paul introduces his friend Newman - pmsite
36 May 16: Appreciate - Promo Video