Product Description

May thru June reports and specials on Macca's tour! Tour announcements, ads, news reports and more! Paul arrives in Japan
with Newman, then gets sick and postpones shows in Japan and Korea with lots of news and footage on this, including
Paul being taken in the hospital. Plus more news from USA and Paul's site! Most HD clips! 100 minutes with 57 chapters!!!
This is a great compilation!
01 May 14: Out There Promo Truck in Japan
02 May 15: Paul arrives at Haneda Airport Japan - 4 Home Videos
03 May 17: Tokyo Show Postponed due to Paul being Sick - FNN News
04 Tokyo Show Postponed due to Paul being Sick 1 - JNN News
05 Tokyo Show Postponed due to Paul being Sick 2 - JNN News
06 Tokyo Show Postponed due to Paul being Sick - Wochit News
07 Paul's new video Appreciate - News
08 May 18: Announcement of cancellation of the 2nd concert of Paul in Tokyo
09 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - ABS News
10 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - FNN News
11 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - NHK News
12 May 19: Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - FNN News
13 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - Hollywood Bug
14 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - Japan News
15 Tokyo Shows still postponed Paul is still Sick - NHK News
16 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - SBS News
17 May 20: Osaka Shows Cancelled
18 Paul cancels Japan Tour due to illness - 20Minutes
19 Paul cancels Japan Tour due to illness - AP News
20 Paul cancels Japan Tour due to illness - Japan News
21 Paul cancels Japan Tour due to illness - NHK News
22 Paul cancels Japan Tour due to illness - Tomo News
23 Paul cancels Japan Tour - TBS News 1
24 Paul cancels Japan Tour - TBS News 2
25 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - 6Medias
26 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - 11 News
27 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - AFB News
28 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - NTD News
29 May 21: Paul Cancels Japan Concerts - Wochit News
30 Paul cancels Japan Tour Part 1 - Japan AM News
31 Paul Cancels South Korea Concert - Wochit News
32 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - AP News
33 Paul Cancels Tokyo Concerts - TBS News
34 Paul Profile in Korea - TVN News
35 Show cancelled in Korea - SBS News
36 Show cancelled in Korea - YTN News
37 May 22: Paul in Japan Hospital - Rueters
38 Paul Cancels Asia Concerts Due To Illness - Wochit News
39 Paul taken to hospital for care - NTD News
40 Paul Cancels Asia Concerts Due To Illness - 11 News
41 Paul Cancels Asia Concerts Due To Illness - BYN News
42 May 23: Japan Fans Relieved at Reports of Pauls Recovery - NDTV
43 Paul Hospitalized in Tokyo - ABC News
44 Paul recovers from illness in Tokyo - Arirana News
45 Paul recovers from illness in Tokyo - CBS News
46 Paul recovers from illness in Tokyo - Hollywood Bug
47 Paul recovers from illness in Tokyo - NBC News
48 Paul recovers from illness in Tokyo - Sunrise on 7
49 Illness Forces Paul to Cancel Concerts - AP News
50 Paul Hospitalized With Virus in Japan - Splash
51 Paul cancels Japan and Korea Show -Newsy News Edit
52 Paul cancels Korea Show - AP News Edit
53 Paul cancels Korea Show - SBS News
54 May 24: Paul in hospital in Japan - Japan News
55 June 2: OutThere in Quito, Ecuador - PM SITE
56 June 4: Paul and the Lubbock Connection - KTTZ News
April 22: Soundcheck in Chile Clip