Product Description

July thru August reports and specials on Macca's tour! Tour announcements, ads, news reports and more! Wings reissue ads, Destiny
game news, plus coverage of Minneapolis, Missoula, Salt Lake City, Phoenix and LA Dodgers Satdium - dans on stage, pro shot
footage and much more! Most HD clips! 100 minutes with 44 chapters!!! This is a great compilation!
01 July 28: Wings Venus and Mars Trailer
02 Wings At The Speed Of Sound Trailer
03 Paul Lubbock ticket sales - Fox News
04 Paul tickets hard to find in Lubbock - Fox News
05 July 29: Paul Ticket Contest in Missoula - KGVO
06 July 31: Paul arrives at LIPA - Liverpool Echo
07 Paul arrives and leaves LIPA Awards - +++3 videos+++
08 Aug 1: Target Field Prepares For Sir Paul - CBS
09 Preps underway for Paul's Missoula show - KPAX
10 Aug 2: Fans Flock To Target Field MN - CBS News
11 Paul at Target Field MN - Fox News
12 More tickets released in Missoula - NBC News
13 Paul's Missoula concert boosts local economy KPAX
14 Aug 3: Preps for McCartney show in Missoula - ABC
15 Preps for McCartney show in Missoula - NBC
16 Aug 4: Plenty of parking, but plan early arrival for Paul - KAJ18
17 Aug 4: Fans will face restrictive limits on personal items - KAJ18
18 Aug 5: Paul in Missoula, MT - Radio Interview
19 Paul concert in Missoula Tonight - ABC News
20 Paul concert in Missoula Tonight - NBC News
21 Soundcheck Matchbox Missoula
22 Paul in Missoula MT - KTVQ News
23 Paul McCartney rocks Missoula - KPAX
24 Paul signs Mother and Daughter in Missoula MT
25 Concert in Missoula MT - NBC News
26 Aug 6: After the concert in Missoula MT - NBC News
27 Mother and Daughter get on stage with Paul in MT - ABC News
28 Paul - Be in his new Meat Free Video
29 Paul McCartney at Dodgers Stadium Aug 10 Ad
30 Aug 7: Concert brings no problems for Missoula PD - KPAX
31 Missoula concert a phenomenal success - KPAX 2
32 Here Today - Salt Lake City
33 Aug 9: Destiny: Sir Paul Assisted in Composing! - Musi Gamer
34 Aug 10: Paul at Dodger Stadium LA, CA - NBC News
35 Paul at Dodger Stadium LA, CA - KCAL
36 Paul at Dodger Stadium LA, CA - KCAL
37 Paul signs Mother's arm for tattoo at Dodger Stadium EX
38 Paul departs Party at Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills
39 Aug 11: Paul coming to Phoenix - NBC News
40 Aug 12: Fans on stage in Phoenix, AZ
41 Aug 13: Paul marries Phoenix couple at concert - 9 News
42 Phoenix couple married by Paul McCartney - ABC News
43 Phoenix couple married by Paul on stage - Fox
44 Paul composes music for Destiny - Touchvision