PAUL McCARTNEY DVD - TELECASTS 2010 VOL.7 - South American Tour
Product Description

PAUL McCARTNEY: TELECASTS 2010 VOL.7 - South American Tour DVD
Excellent quality newscasts and some fan footage of soundcheck and two samples from the Porto Alegra Show in EX quality!
2 hours worth of Macca fun, right befor the tour and in Brazil! A special, interviews and more! 2 hours.
01. October 1: Fans Meet Paul in the UK
02. October 14: David Letterman with Emma Stone on Paul and the Tatoo
03. Paul in Porto Agre Brazil Ad
04. Paul in Porto Agre Brazil Ad
05. October 17: Fantastico - Paul Coming to Brazil
06. October 18: Jornal da Globo - Tickets Go On Sale in Brazil
07. SPTV News - Tickets Go On Sale in Brazil
08. Todo Noticias News- Tickets Go On Sale in Argentina
09. October 30: Fantastisco - Paul Interview
10. Opanews - Paul Comingo Brazil
11. October 31: Fantastico - Paul Interview
12. October 31: Fantastico - Paul Documentary - Interview
13. November 1: Paul and Band Message to Brazil - PM Site
14. November 5: Bom Dia Brazil - Paul coming to Brazil
15. Jornal da Globo - Paul Profile
16. November 6: Paul's jet landing in Brazil
17. Jornal da Globo - Paul arrives in Brazil
18. Globo Noticia - Paul arrives in Brazil
19. Globo News - fans outside stadium
20. Globo News - Paul Special
21. Hotel Lobby Videos of Paul and Nancy - 2 clips
22. News - Fans Outside Hotel
23. Leaving Hotel to the Soundcheck
24. All My Loving
25. Flaming Pie
26. November 7: Jornal do Almoco - Paul at Hotel
27. Globo News - leaving the Sheraton Outside
28. Leaving Hotel for Souncheck
Bluebird/ Honey Don't/ I'll Follow the Sun
29. The Concert - Hello Brazil
Band on the Run
30. Girls get Their Arms Signed
Sgt. Pepper's/ The End - with flase start
31. Leaving the concert
32. Globo News - After the Concert
33. November 8: Fantastico - Paul Plays Concert
34. J10 News - Paul Plays Concert
35. Bom Dia Brazil - Paul Plays Concert
36. RBS TV Sobre- Paul Plays Concert