Product Description

■ 14 日 8 月 2014 and complete recording of a concert at Candlestick 48 years.
■ To play a “LONG TALL SALLY” and “SAN FRANCISCO BAY BLUES” special! !
■ Added recorded “KANSAS CITY”, “ONE AFTER 909”, “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE”, “ON MY WAY TO WORK” and “YELLOW SUBMARINE” from the same tour!
■ DVD complete recording in a multi-camera tour first day Albany performances! ! Professional shot like! !
■ Even the video “KANSAS CITY”, “LONG TALL SALLY” and “ONE AFTER 909” in the bonus video! Here in multi-camera!
■ heavily heavy, heavy slip case specification
From latest tour of Paul, Candlestick Park concert August 14, 2014 will be in stock early. It is famous as the place where in 1966 the Beatles have done the last concert as you know, aging is determined in the demolition already significantly, Candlestick Park, was the timing of the last to do the concert 48 years. Moreover, this Candlestick Park concert has been scheduled as the last day of the tour at the beginning, and that concludes with the venue of the last Beatles tour very last, nostalgic rendition had made itself. As a place deep memories, we have cited Candlestick Park here Along with such share Stadium and Budokan as Paul, it had been expected to tune something special at the concert, a special effect is either not be done. This work will be the title that was completely recorded in high-quality sound that Candlestick Park performances.
Korea performances and Japan is canceled due to illness, the United States performances followed also been forced to postpone, directing that concludes the tour at Candlestick Park as a result I have become happy miscalculation, but I bet in this Candlestick Park concert well, than even listen to the sound of the American tour each performance, it has become a great concert special feeling of this day has gone out very well to say of that feelings of Paul as being reflected in the play enough .
The one that followed the Japan tour last year basically, there is no significant change to the set list, but the two songs, and I played a special song for this day only. First place in the only San Francisco, and play “SAN FRANCISCO BAY BLUES” in the acoustic corner. We were playing “LONG TALL SALLY” in the encore further. It is preferable that it was aware of the last number of the 1966 Beatles of course obvious, rendition and photographs of the time is projected have been made on the screen of the stage behind this. The person who realism in concert 48 years ago, many people on earth, or will are here again. Since playing when you played with Dave Grohl in July last year, “LONG TALL SALLY” itself will be playing for the second time the Beatles after the dissolution, but it is uniquely meaningful to the place that you play in a place called the Candlestick Park still I There is.
As a bonus track of the CD, I have to add recorded rare number that has been played in this out-Zea tour. First was unveiled in Montevideo Uruguay April 19 is “ONE AFTER 909”. With that a new tour, what’s a exploring stage that attempts to add to the set list some change, because it deviates from the set list later, it became a number very rare. In addition, in a concert in Ecuador April 28, “All You Need Is Love” was played before moving on to the last medley. Those that sing along to the piano refrain of last Nevertheless,’s not a chubby one song, but it is where you want to chronicled the tour as rare also this scene. And in Kansas City July 16, this is played in full of promise, “Kansas City? Hey Hey Hey Hey”. Once, there is that you have ever played a total of two times in Mont cell rat concert and, once in 1993 in Kansas City, but this time is now playing for the third time after the dissolution Beatles. In the Pittsburgh concert July 7, in that it’s the birthday of the apple, “Yellow Submarine” was played specially. In this way, it might be said that the change is being applied to the set list flexibly than in the past tour also features out-Zea tour.
It is a DVD followed. What is recorded in the video it is the first day Albany performances out THERE America tour. For wonderfully also a video this, it is recorded at original edit multiple cameras, compared to the video of the audience shooting one camera that is well, it switches shots to match the attractions, to enjoy this wonderful concert without getting tired I can. Shot from the front to understand clearly the expression of Paul, of course, has become shot overlooking the entire stage, such as the venue, and video work was very good. New song that has been showcased in only the first day Albany performances course “On My Way To Work” are also included in the video due to multi-camera. Voice to be the one that had been released from Piccadilly label before addition. Rather than the microphone of the camera included, audience sound source of high-quality sound is synchro, you can enjoy a wonderful voice a picture of great multi-angle. Complete recording from “Eight Days A Week” at the end to “The End” of course. Better than to look at a stretch without getting tired of the concert 3 hours or so, it is a video work high degree of perfection.
Not just the concert title, body, how the waving from car Paul visited the venue, such as the appearance of Paul to interact with fans backstage and appearance, the venue outside the curtain before, documentary video is also included in the video you. In addition to the bonus video, Uruguay April 19 “ONE AFTER 909”, of Kansas City on July 16 and “Kansas City? Hey Hey Hey Hey”, Candlestick Park August 14 the “Long Tall Sally” , I have been recorded in the video with multi-angle as well. For “Long Tall Sally”, Paul has been caught up in particular, the expression singing has been projected clearly. Production and unpublished photos of the time that is projected on the screen is also a sight to see in the video of arguments.
Latest performances of Paul McCartney latest tour. The high-quality complete recording of Candlestick Park August 14. The recorded number Rare “One After 909,” “All You Need Is Love” and “Kansas City” from the same tour the bonus track. By multi-angle the first day Albany performances, video video works like a pro shot though. Rare video of the day and number of documentaries such as “Long Tall Sally” also included a bonus video. Making it the title essence of this tour has been condensed. Volume referred to as a DVD and two CD of three, heavy and Zurri when it was taken in hand, a set of must-have collector exactly. Press record firmly permanent preservation of the beautiful picture disc specification. This slip case specifications.
01. Introduction
02. Eight Days A Week
03. Save Us
04. All My Loving
05. Listen to What The Man Said
06. Let Me Roll It
07. Paperback Writer
08. My Valentine
09. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
10. The Long And Winding Road
11. Maybe I’m Amazed
12. I’ve Just Seen A Face
13. San Francisco Bay Blues
14. We Can Work It Out
15. Another Day
16. And I Love Her
17. Blackbird
18. Here Today
01. New
02. Queenie Eye
03. Lady Madonna
04. All Together Now
05. Lovely Rita
06. Everybody Out There
07. Eleanor Rigby
08. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
09. Something
10. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
11. Band On The Run
12. Back In The U.S.S.R.
13. Let It Be
14. Live and Let Die
15. Hey Jude
01. Day Tripper
02. Hi, Hi, Hi
03. I Saw Her Standing There
04. Yesterday
05. Long Tall Sally
06. Golden Slumbers – Carry That Weight – The End
Montevideo Uruguay April 19, 2014
07. One After 909
Quito Ecuador April 28, 2014
08. All You Need Is Love
Albany U.S.A. July 5, 2014
09. On My Way To Work
Kansas City U.S.A. July 16, 2014
10. Kansas City – Hey Hey Hey Hey
Pittuburg City U.S.A. July 7, 2014
11. Yellow Submarine
12. Messege For Candlestick Park
Times Union Center Albany, NY U.S.A. July 5, 2014
01. Paul Arrival
02. Around The Stadium
03. Fans Meeting
04. Appearance
05. Eight Days A Week
06. Save Us
07. All My Loving
08. Listen To What The Man Said
09. Let Me Roll It
10. Paperback Writer
11. My Valentine
12. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
13. The Long And Winding Road
14. Maybe I’m Amazed
15. I’ve Just Seen A Face
16. On My Way To Work
17. We Can Work It Out
18. Another Day
01. And I Love Her
02. Blackbird
03. Here Today
04. New
05. Queenie Eye
06. Lady Madonna
07. All Together Now
08. Lovely Rita
09. Everybody Out There
10. Eleanor Rigby
11. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
12. Something
13. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
14. Band On The Run
15. Back In The U.S.S.R.
16. Let It Be
17. Live And Let Die
18. Hey Jude
19. Day Tripper
20. Hi, Hi, Hi
21. Get Back
22. Yesterday
23. When I’m Sixty Four
24. Helter Skelter
25. Golden Slumbers – Carry That Weight – The End
Kansas City U.S.A. July 16, 2014
26. Kansas City – Hey Hey Hey Hey
San Francisco U.S.A. August 14, 2014
27. Long Tall Sally
Montevideo Uruguay April 19, 2014
28. One After 909
PAUL’s Messeges
29. Messege For The New Tour
30. Introducing The NEW MAN
Piccardilly . PCCD-200-204