Product Description

April thru May, 2015 reports and specials on Macca! Tokyo and South Korea reports with pro shot footage, Graduation Party
footage and news, ads for Out There, Food Revolution song, Paul news on new home, Lady Gaga, Oasis and LIPA! London show reports, Temporary Secretary and more! Plus EX footage from RobinHoodFundraiser in NYC with RobinHood Theme, I'll Follow The Sun, Another Girl and a few more plus a highlights reel! Hope of Deliverance soundcheck in South Korea!
Most 1080 HD clips! This is a great compilation! Approx 100 minutes with 35 chapters!!!
01 April 20: Paul in Japan - Asahi News
02 April 25: Driving to Tokyo Dome
03 April 28: Arrival at Budokan
04 April 29: The Story Of Paul's Return To Tokyo's Nippon Budokon Exclusive
05 Budokan Concert Report - Japan News
06 May 1: Paul arrives in South Korea - TV Daily
07 May 2: Hope Of Deliverance - Soundcheck Seoul
08 May 4: South Korea Concert Report - IMBC News
09 South Korea Concert Report - MBC News
10 May 8: Paul in South Korea - KBS Report
11 May 9: Paul with Phase5 This Graduation - I Saw Her Standing There
12 May 10: Paul jams with Phase 5 at Party - Fox News
13 Paul with Phase 5 at Graduation Party - ABC News
14 Paul with Phase 5 at Graduation Party - Bay 9 News
15 May 11: Paul plays with Phase5 at Graduation Party - ABC News
16 Paul plays with Phase5 at Graduation Party - WTSP News
17 May 13: Paul with Phase5 at Graduation Party - Wochit
18 Out There Columbia SC Ad
19 May 14: Food Revolution Song - Paul with Jamie Oliver, Ed Sheeran
20 Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution - Inside Edition
21 Paul on Oasis Reunion - Wochit
22 May 20: Paul Pens New Songs for Animated Film - Wochit
23 May 22: Paul buys Penthouse in NY - Boomzulu
24 May 23: Temporary Secretary - London 02
25 May 25: Paul & Dave Grohl Perform in London - Hollywood Bug
Paul & Dave Grohl Perform in London - Wochit
26 Ram On - London 02
27 May 26: John and Paul Specials on AXS TV Ad
28 Paul at LIPA in Liverpool - Iceleb
29 Paul In Conversation at LIPA - LIPA Site
30 Paul in London Interview - TF1 France News
May 12, 2015 at Robin Hood Foundation Benefit
Jacob Javits Center, New York City, NY
01 Robin Hood Theme - Jet
02 I'll Follow The Sun
03 We Can Work It Out
04 Eleanor Rigby
05 Another Girl
06 Birthday
07 Highlights from Instagram (10:25)