Product Description

Macca keeps busy in the summer! June and July news reports from USA, South America and Europe on movie permieres, LIPA awards, jammin with Bruce springsteen at the Hard Rock Calling (the best two are here - screen and audience), news on who pulled the plug, working with Bungie, queens Jubilee mini special and more! Plus Hey Jude from London in HD! 35 chapters! 100 minutes! Excellent quality!
01. June 17: Paul at JFK International New York - Home Video
02. June 27: Live at Amoeba Records, LA 5 Years ago - pm site
03. Paul at Comes a Bright Day Premiere - Rueters
04. June 29: Mary McCartney discusses the photography of her mother Linda - Who Shot Rock and Roll
05. Paul McCartney on Canal Capital Ad
06. July 7: Paul to work with Bungie on new Halo Game - Mexico News
07. July 9: Paul McCartney and Bungie - Game News
08. Paul McCartney and Bungie - Jeuvideo News
09. July 10: McCartney Teams with Bungie! - IGN Daily Fix
10. McCartney Teams with Bungie! - Stereotude
11. A Death In The Family Reveals How The Grammy's Show Went On
12. July 14: I Saw Her Standing There - Screen - Hard Rock Calling, Hyde Park
13. Twist and Shout
14. I Saw Her Standing There - Audience
15. Twist and Shout
16. July 15: Plug Pulled on Springsteen, McCartney - Associated Press
17. Plug Pulled on Springsteen, McCartney - Spanish News
18. Plug Pulled on Springsteen, McCartney - Telegraph News
19. Springsteen and McCartney silenced at Hard Rock Calling - Globo News
20. Springsteen and McCartney silenced at Hard Rock Calling - Newsy News
21. July 16: London pulls plug on Paul & Bruce - WTMJ-TV
22. Paul & Bruce Calls Britain a 'Police State' After Power Cut - ABC News
23. Springsteen and McCartney silenced at long London gig - BBC News
24. Was it right to silence Bruce & Paul - BBC News
25. Why Springsteen and McCartney Were Silenced - CNN news
26. Why Springsteen and McCartney Were Silenced - Wall St Journal
27. July 20: Olympics One Week From Today - pmsite
28. July 23: Paul on the Olympics Ad #1
29. July 24: Olympics Spanish Ad #2
30. Paul at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert (30 Teaser) - pm site
31. Paul at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert (Full Vesrion) - pm site
32. July 25: Arriving and leaving at LIPA Awards in Liverpool - Home Movie #1
33. Arriving and leaving at LIPA Award in Liverpool - Home Movie #2
34. LIPA Awards in Liverpool - Liverpool Echo
35. June 27: Paul sings Hey Jude - Olympics 2012 Opening Ceremony