Product Description

May, 2003 with Macca - Interviews, specials, live footage and more! All from master sources, and every clip has been remastered
with both audio and video, thus sound levelled and picture perfect! Time consuming, but the results are excellent! All presented
here for the first time on DVD and/or in better quality than found before! Video wobble on the bottom from master sources removed -
makes a BIG difference! And the music sounds awesome!! May 22-24th in St Petersburg and Moscow, Russia! Includes arrival,
hotel and balcony footage, honorary doctorate ceremony, interviews, Paul meets Putin at the Kremlin, press conference, concert
reports and 73 Hours in Russia TV special (55 mins) - all in excellent quality!
Approx 165 minutes with 34 chapters in 16.9!
01 030522 Conservatoire gives Paul an honorary doctorate - N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory St Petersburg, Russia
02 Leaving N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory St Petersburg, Russia
03 Conservatoire gives Paul a honorary doctorate - PTP Planeta
04 Conservatoire gives Paul a honorary doctorate - KTB
05 Conservatoire gives Paul a honorary doctorate - PTP Planeta
06 030523 Leaving Hotel - balcony appearance and departure - Menshikov Dvorec St Petersburg, Russia
07 Balcony appearance and departure - Menshikov Dvorec St Petersburg, Russia
08 Concert Preporation - Red Square, Moscow, Russia - KTB
09 Concert Preporation - Hotel - Moscow, Russia - Channel 4
10 Concert Preporation - Hotel - Moscow, Russia - BECTN
11 Paul coming to Moscow - PTP Planeta
12 St Peterburg and Moscow Prepares - KTB
13 Paul meets Putin at the Kremlin- Moscow Russia - KTB
14 Paul meets Putin at the Kremlin- Moscow Russia - KTB
15 Paul meets Putin - Moscow Russia - KTB
16 Paul meets Putin - Moscow Russia - PTP Planeta
17 Paul meets Putin - Moscow Russia - AP Raw Footage
18 Paul meets Putin - Moscow Russia - AP News Report
19 Paul meets Putin - Press Conference - Moscow Russia - AP
20 Paul meets Putin - Press Conference - Moscow Russia - ORT Time
21 Paul meets Putin - Press Conference - Moscow Russia - Rueters
22 Paul meets Putin - Moscow Russia - CTV
23 030524 Arrival and interview in Moscow - Namedni
24 Interview before the concert - Moscow Russia - Namedni
01 030524 Interview before the concert - Moscow Russia - Namedni Raw Footage Uncut
02 Interview - Moscow Russia - Novosti
03 Interview - Moscow Russia - Novosti
04 030525 Concert Report - Red Square Moscow Russia -Woy
05 Paul in Moscow Russia - CNN
06 Paul in Moscow Russia - Sky News
07 Paul McCartney - 73 Hours in Russia 2003 (55:00)
TV special covering May 22-24 - behind the scenes, interviews, concert clips and more!
08 Part Two
09 Part Three
10 Part Four